Theatre In Prison Essay

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Theatre History II
Garic Tinsley
Dr. Jennifer Stoessner
Theatre in Prison: A Viable Engine for Rehabilitation and Social Change Prison within the society in America has sharply veered towards the idea of mass incarceration. The Prison Policy Initiative (PPI) is a criminal research group that reports on the quantity of people in the United States that are in the prison system, and in 2014 “PPI reckons the United States has roughly 2.4m people locked up, with most of those (1.36m) in state prisons” (J.F. 1). This number is cause for concern when compared to a study of recidivism released among thirty states in 2005 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) According to BJS, “About two-thirds (67.8%) of released prisoners were arrested for a new crime within 3 years, and three quarters (76.6%) were arrested …show more content…

The main focus of prisons in the United States is to maintain order in an inherently hostile environment …show more content…

In the documentary Shakespeare Behind Bars, it documents the journey of inmates convicted for offenses ranging from armed robbery to murder as they rehearse and present the play, Hamlet, to the general population. The purpose is to offer a means to prepare an inmate for a successful reintegration into society. And according Shakespeare Behind Bars, “National recidivism average is sixty percent. Four out of ten return to prison within three years of their release. Kentucky recidivism rate is thirty percent. Shakespeare Behind Bars recidivism rate is six percent” (CITE). These numbers do not lie about the effectiveness of theatre in prison. Curt L. Tofteland is the director for most of the shows for this company, and Shakespeare Behind Bars has produced plays ranging from Tempest to Merchant of

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