Essay On Implementing Change

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Change is a fundamental part of quality improvement and success of every organization. Change is something, which makes the development of new ideas and new strategies which might causes whole formation of a normal organization to a successful one. When it comes to health care settings, it is necessary to adopt system changes for the delivery of quality care. As Berwick stated “every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results it gets. Victorian quality council. (2006). Health services are also implementing system change in response to risk areas identified through review of adverse events. Change is a common fact which runs through every organization. The firm which experience changes will survive and make wonders in the development smooth functioning of an organisation. The only thing to ensure is to make changes which will benefit the organization in every aspect. So that, the system of changing process will be a rewarding experience for everyone.

The phases that are involved in the implementation of changes are based on Lewin’s (1951) Change management model. The first phase in the implementation of change is unfreezing. In this phase, preparing the organization, person or a group to accept that change is necessary. ‘Before implementing change it is important to understand what requires change and what does not and set clear goals for the change initiative’. Jean Phillips, Stanley Gully (2011). . It is also necessary to analyse the need for change before implementing it in the organization or an institution. In this phase, employer or organisation accurately diagnose problem and make decision if any changes required. But in this phase, it is also necessary to gather date, accurately diagnose the problem,...

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...are necessary to adapt changes. Finally, make sure people celebrate the success of the change which is made in the organization or in a specific area, in order to become a fruitful experience for everyone who involve in the process.

To conclude, changes are always inevitable for the successful running of any organization. Accurate implementation of change, even ease the workload of the employees and it helps the employers to plan appropriately and introduce new strategies for the development of their firm. In this transition, the important aspect is to get the support from people who involved in this process. There are some important aspects to remember in implementing change is to plan appropriately and implement accurately, by considering the need of people. So that, it will be a rewarding experience for everyone, who involve in the change implementation process.

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