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HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic that threatens lives all over the world. It is important to understand exactly what this disease is and how it affects societies globally. Although HIV, in severe cases, leads to AIDS, there is a distinct difference when defining both terms.
According to Mayo clinic, AIDS is a life threatening disease. It comes about as result of the Human immunodeficiency Virus and gives rise to this disease (AIDS) in which has no known cure yet. By hindering and plaguing the Human Immune system, the HIV virus disrupts the immune system and severely reduces the body’s ability to ward off other diseases and infections, which in turn lead to the body being infected easier and easier contraction of diseases in the environment. HIV virus is contracted mainly through sexual intercourse, that is, by means of Vaginal/Anal intercourse as well, but not commonly, through oral sex. HIV can also be contracted and spread through pregnancy. While delivering the child, the mother exposes the offspring to the infection and, through that means, causes the child to be infected with the virus. A child can also contract the virus via being breastfed by the infected mother. The HIV virus can lay dormant and, in some cases, take years before it affects the Human Immune system significantly enough for an individual to get AIDS. HIV/AIDS has a negative impact in a variety of ways. According to Danziger, the areas of impact include: economic and demographic; labor productivity; agricultural production and development; pressures on the health sector; the role of families and households; children; women; discrimination on the basis of an individual having HIV/AIDS; and the impact of HIV/AIDS on the individual.
According to may...

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...llaborate with international and local organizations to build community partnerships to improve HIV prevention. The CHN would have to effectively utilize primary prevention to reduce the overall incidences of transmission by: seeking to increase the proportion of substance abuse treatment facilities that offer HIV/AIDS education and support, educating and increasing the proportion of sexually active individuals who use protection. The nurse can also implement secondary prevention or early detection and prompt treatment of disease. This type can prevent the activation of latent infections and promote optimal health in HIV-infected individuals. The CHN would also implement tertiary prevention by encouraging patients to have consistent follow-up exams to identify and prevent diseases that may affect those afflicted with HIV/AIDS such as Tuberculosis and other diseases.

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