Essay On Girl Scouts

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On October 31, 1860, a girl named Juliette Gordon was born. She was just an ordinary girl with five siblings and a loving family. She went to school like everyone else, and she was even given a cute nickname “Daisy” when she was young. Fifty-two years later, however, she would be more than just a normal girl. Juliette would create an important organization that gave girls the opportunity to be active in their community: the Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts was started in 1912 in Juliette’s hometown of Savannah, Georgia because “’she believed that all girls should be given the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually’” and starting a female equivalent of the Boy Scouts was exactly how she planned to accomplish that (Amandolare 1).
The Girl Scouts has existed for over a century and is still very relevant today. It started out as the Girl Guides. Originally, it was only found in one small area of Savannah, consisting of two small groups of girls. However, it soon became popular, and not only were girls from all over Savannah joining, but it was officially incorporated as a nationwide organization in 1915, with several thousand members (Juliette Gordon Low 3). Today, it is still a positive opportunity for girls in their youth to be more active and involved in helping others. The Girl Scouts has been the most influential organization for girls and their communities for decades, and continues to have a strong impact on society today.
Girl Scouts was founded over a century ago, and ever since then, the organization has been helping people out in several different ways. During World War I, girls were doing all sorts of services for their country. They sewed for Red Cross, volunteered at railroad stations and hosp...

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...rance ceremonies for those who died. The girls were also making a strong impact on people outside of the United States. They donated money to the Afghani children when the war in the Middle East began (Girl Scout Timeline 4). In the past hundred years, Girl Scouts has made a huge impact on girls and the communities they lived in, and even the communities they didn’t. They did a lot of volunteer work and gave donations to make others’ lives better. That not only helped society grow, but it helped them as individuals grow to become better people. Girl Scouts was a very strong and influential organization when it was founded, and for years afterwards, but it didn’t stop there. Girl Scouts continues to impact the world today.
Girl Scouts has changed quite a bit since it was first founded, but it still affects people just as much as it did a hundred years ago.

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