Reflection On Oklahoma Girls State

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Oklahoma Girls State was the experience of a lifetime. I made lifelong friends, I abandoned my comfort zone, I learned so much about our great nation, and I was pleasantly surprised by what the program did for me personally. However, the one thing I noticed was that some girls didn’t have as enjoyable of an experience as I did due to the fact that they are exceptional leaders in a way that wasn’t appreciated at Girls State as much as it could have been. I believe that finding a way to help the girls who weren’t as bold have a better experience could enhance the program by a landslide. Girls State was a place where girls who were convincing speakers and political prodigies seemed to thrive, but girls who weren’t as outgoing seemed to slip through …show more content…

Serving on the court was an incredible experience and was a place where girls who didn’t want to be in the spotlight could get more involved. Since the judges were chosen on writing as opposed to speaking, it allowed girls who weren’t the best public speakers, but still had a lot to offer, could let their light shine. However, there was a very limited number of judge positions. I believe that expanding opportunities such as this could allow Girls State to reach to more girls and enhance the overall experience for many. The addition of other roles could also be a way to help get more girls involved. One way to do this could be through organized campaign committees. This could allow girls to express their ideas and views to the candidates while helping the candidates get their name out and make an impression on their fellow Girls Staters. These committees could help make campaign posters and visit cities on behalf of their candidate, all while meeting new people and forming new friendships. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my Girls State experience, and I would love to return as a Junior Counselor. I would like to help girls gain confidence to step out of their comfort zones, whether that would include running for a state office or just branching out and meeting new people. As a junior counselor, I would love to help the girls who don’t enjoy the spotlight still have an experience that they won’t

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