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Professional women's participation in sports
History of women in sports assignment
Participation of women in sports
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Rough Draft
On December 7, 1941, American citizens stretched over the country were shocked at the horrific devastation of the Pearl Harbor attack from the Japanese. Because of the bombing in Hawaii, 2,600 citizens were killed ,8 naval ships were destroyed, and more than 100 planes were brought down without a warning. This incident had urged both men and women to put a foot in the door and join the war effort of World War II. When war had begun with the other countries The U.S. wished to remain neutral however Pearl Harbor had a devastating impact that we pursued the fight against our enemies. Many men that had joined the war effort were major and minor league baseball players, leaving room open for women to play baseball professionally
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Many women have taken up the positions of engineers, factory workers and many more jobs normally occupied by men. Many women that wanted to help with the war effort had worked, bought war bonds, donated clothing and foods and anything else needed to help and support our troops. Some women now had the opportuinty to play baseball and still help promote help for the war. However the idea of women playing baseball and acting like men was completely absurd during that day and age. That year of attendance of The AAGPBL approached one million, with the players completely defined the image of a respectable lady, the girls played ball with a new baseball of fast pitching, stolen bases and injuries, epically skin abrasions from sliding to bases in short skirts. Though the female ball players were skilled and athletic, their required uniform were one piece dresses and had to wear makeup at all times so that it was a reminder to the spectators that these were indeed women playing in the field( ). No player was allowed to drink, smoke, date, cut their hair short or be seen in public with slacks or shorts. Every player were required to join and had to endure “charm schools” where they were obligated to learn ladylike behavior. Though there were many limitations and requirements for the female players this new form of …show more content…
Women were able to contribute new skills into the workforce enabling many companies and everyday jobs to function while the men were overseas. With everyone doing their part in the war, Franklin Roosevelt encouraged large baseball organizations to continue a baseball league to open up new jobs and keep citizens entertained and keep their minds off of work. The league had allowed women to play professionally for the first time allowing women to strive for new things and opening the doors for new opportunites. Though the AAGPBL was an experiment during the war it grew into much bigger league that started with only 4 teams and expanded over time. The first professional baseball league had a great impact on Americans socially, politically, and economically that had changed American history during World War II and the ripple effect it had on women prior to that
In May 1932, Fanny noticed that there was no actual league for softball, unlike her male counterparts. So she helped to create the Provincial Women’s Softball Union of Québec, she served as the president. This league is a huge deal, currently many softball players in Quebec and Ontario alike have played under them, either on a team or a tournament. This league was revolutionary at its time, it allowed many girls from all over Quebec to finally participate in softball. The PWSUQ was one way Fanny established herself in the community of sport. Another way was her journalism career for the globe and mail through her column “Sports Reel” she was able to defend women’s sports. It wasn’t uncommon for male writers to write in and express negative opinions of women in sport. Fanny was witty and always had something to say back to them. As insignificant this may seem it was actually a very important event. Through her column Bobbie was able to change the perspectives of many men and women alike of women in
The film “A League of Their Own,” depicts a fictionalized tale of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. This league was started during World War II when many of the Major Leagues Biggest stars were drafted to the war. MLB owners decided to start this league with hopes of making money while the men were overseas fighting. Traditional stereotypes of women in sports were already in force before the league even begins. One of the scouts letts Dottie, one of the films main characters she is the perfect combination of looks as well as talent. The scout even rejects one potential player because she is not as pretty as the league is looking for even though she is a great baseball player. The player, Marla’s father said if she was a boy she would be playing for the Yankee’s. Eventually Mara’s father is able to convince the scout to take Marla to try outs because he raised her on his own after her mother died. Her father says it is his fault his daughter is a tomboy. In this case the film reinforces the traditional stereotype that mothers are in charge of raising their daughters and teaching them to be a lady, where fathers are incapable of raising girls to be anything other than a tomboy. The focus on beauty also reinforces the traditional stereotype that men will only be interested in women’s sports when the females participating in
The Battle of Pearl Harbor was one of the most atrocious events that happened in U.S. history. On December 7, 1941, Japan made a surprise aerial attack on the United States naval base and airfields at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. More than two thousand Americans died and a thousand two hundred were wounded. Eighteen ships were badly damaged, including five battleships. The next day, President Franklin Roosevelt with the support of the Congress, declared war on Japan. It led United States’ official involvement in World War II. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because of a deteriorating relationship with the U. S. The “New World Order”, expansion and resources, and economic sanctions were factors that conducted to another disaster on the Second World War.
The All-American Professional Girls Baseball League was the first, and only, female baseball league in history. This league was developed during World War II when “ in the interests of patriotism, women were encouraged to do all the things normally reserved for men” (Johnson XIX). At the time the book, When Women Played Hardball, was written in 1994, no other professional sports team had lasted as long as this baseball league. The league lasted a solid nine years. These women did not just play baseball, they broke records. “ Kurys, the "Flint Flash", stole 201 bases [in a season]. Her career tally of 1114 stolen bases is a professional baseball record...She [Joanne Weaver] is tied for the fourth best batting average in the history of professional baseball, and she's the last player in the history of the game to bat over .400” (XXII/XXIII Johnson). Today, these women still hold records in major league baseball. At the peak of the league in 1948, the league “ consisted of 10 teams that entertained nearly 1,000,000 fans in middle sized Midwestern cities” (XXI Johnson). Every team attracted loyal and enthusiastic fans. At first, crowds came to the game to see the unusual sight of women playing baseball, but soon kept coming back because of the level of play and because they enjoyed watching the game. Every woman in that league just
During the war, women played a vital role in the workforce because all of the men had to go fight overseas and left their jobs. This forced women to work in factories and volunteer for war time measures.
The world is a very different place than what it was in the 1920’s; however, despite our differences, many things have stayed the same. No matter what, there’s always something to refer back to. Nearly one-hundred years ago, the 1920’s holds a great deal of historical events that changed the world. One of these historical events is when Babe Ruth changed the outlook on negro leagues and african american baseball players. Ruth could do many things that other people couldn’t in baseball. He in general was an amazing baseball player, but he also did something much more, something that would change the world’s views of not just him, but everybody.
In the 1940’s World War II was the most widespread war in history. After Pearl Harbor was attacked the United States quickly became involved. Women pilots were utilized for the first time by the government. The Women AirForce Service Pilots (WASP) program freed up male pilots for combat service. The WASP’s exchanged knowledge and service for the U.S. While the program was active the 1,830 women who got accepted were given the opportunity to explore military aviation. The women encountered discrimination from the government and other male soldiers but,
In 1941, the United States entered WWII. Young men all over the country were being called to serve in the war. That doesn’t exclude professional sports players either. High profile MLB players, like Joe DiMaggio, were responsible for signing up for the draft also at the age of 18; so when duty called, they had to answer(Teitelbaum, 14). Baseball was an extremely popular form of entertainment. President Roosevelt called on Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis to keep the sport alive, even if the quality of a game was not as high(Galt, 10). At the same time, over 40,000 hometown women’s softball teams had already been formed. Teams were being sponsored by breweries, bakeries, taverns, big industries, and little individuals who wanted to be a part of the success(Galt,11). Women were going to take on the responsibility to ...
The 1940s provided a drastic change in women’s employment rates and society’s view of women. With the end of the Depression and the United States’ entrance into World War II, the number of jobs available to women significantly increased. As men were being drafted into military service, the United States needed more workers to fill the jobs left vacant by men going to war. Women entered the workforce during World War II due to the economic need of the country. The use of Patriotic rhetoric in government propaganda initiated and encouraged women to change their role in society.
To consider all components of Girl Wonder: A Baseball Story In Nine Innings, the main idea would be that no matter where you come from you can make an impact and change society norms if you stay determined.
Women are being allowed to participate now, including professional leagues such as the Women’s National Basketball Association, and the Ladies Professional Golf Association. Women in sports, especially softball and basketball, have become a big-time business. World War II is when the basis of women’s professional sports began. While the men were overseas fighting the war against the Nazis and Germans, the women entertained the people who stayed back by playing baseball.
Shattuck, Debra (2011). “Women’s baseball in the 1860s: Reestablishing a historical memory.” Nine,19(2), 1-26. Retrieved from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/nine/vo19 /19.2.shattuck.html
Throughout American history segregation of blacks and whites has existed in almost all aspects of life including work, school, recreation, and transportation. From their arrival to America as slaves, African Americans have been alienated by whites, but have over time fought for their equality and integration. Unlike most black and white recreational activities, baseball started as a game enjoyed by whites and blacks alike—most teams were all white or all black, but integrated teams did exist--however, The National Association of Baseball Players made a decision to forbid any team from playing if they had both black and white members in order to decrease post-Civil War hostility between white northerners and southerners. In response to this
Lesko, J. (2005). League History. All-American Girls Professional Baseball League Players Association. Retrieved for this paper Mar 20, 2014 from, http://www.aagpbl.org/index.cfm/pages/league/12/league-history
Baseball has long been considered America’s national pastime. The game has been around since the mid-nineteenth century, and has been enjoyed by millions. Until recently, no other sport has been on the same “level” as baseball until now. Baseball from the nineteen hundreds up to the nineteen-sixties had been such a large part of mass culture with the amazing feats of players such as Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, and the fact that women were allowed to play in their own league (Burns). Factors such as the steroid scandals of the past decade (Baudoin), expansion teams, astronomical television ratings from football, and the increased appeal of football, football has begun to dispute the long-standing claim that baseball is superior. Since Super Bowl