Women Playing Baseball During WWII

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Rough Draft

On December 7, 1941, American citizens stretched over the country were shocked at the horrific devastation of the Pearl Harbor attack from the Japanese. Because of the bombing in Hawaii, 2,600 citizens were killed ,8 naval ships were destroyed, and more than 100 planes were brought down without a warning. This incident had urged both men and women to put a foot in the door and join the war effort of World War II. When war had begun with the other countries The U.S. wished to remain neutral however Pearl Harbor had a devastating impact that we pursued the fight against our enemies. Many men that had joined the war effort were major and minor league baseball players, leaving room open for women to play baseball professionally …show more content…

Many women have taken up the positions of engineers, factory workers and many more jobs normally occupied by men. Many women that wanted to help with the war effort had worked, bought war bonds, donated clothing and foods and anything else needed to help and support our troops. Some women now had the opportuinty to play baseball and still help promote help for the war. However the idea of women playing baseball and acting like men was completely absurd during that day and age. That year of attendance of The AAGPBL approached one million, with the players completely defined the image of a respectable lady, the girls played ball with a new baseball of fast pitching, stolen bases and injuries, epically skin abrasions from sliding to bases in short skirts. Though the female ball players were skilled and athletic, their required uniform were one piece dresses and had to wear makeup at all times so that it was a reminder to the spectators that these were indeed women playing in the field( ). No player was allowed to drink, smoke, date, cut their hair short or be seen in public with slacks or shorts. Every player were required to join and had to endure “charm schools” where they were obligated to learn ladylike behavior. Though there were many limitations and requirements for the female players this new form of …show more content…

Women were able to contribute new skills into the workforce enabling many companies and everyday jobs to function while the men were overseas. With everyone doing their part in the war, Franklin Roosevelt encouraged large baseball organizations to continue a baseball league to open up new jobs and keep citizens entertained and keep their minds off of work. The league had allowed women to play professionally for the first time allowing women to strive for new things and opening the doors for new opportunites. Though the AAGPBL was an experiment during the war it grew into much bigger league that started with only 4 teams and expanded over time. The first professional baseball league had a great impact on Americans socially, politically, and economically that had changed American history during World War II and the ripple effect it had on women prior to that

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