Essay On Gender Stereotypes In Children

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Adolescent is essential in understanding gender development. With a society that classifies everything in feminine or masculine. Children are identifying by colors and toys. Girl’s wear pink, play with dolls and have pretend kitchen while, boys wear blue, play with action figures and have pretend guns. These differences are still instilled in young children what is socially acceptable. Some stores have tried to combat the gender stereotype by eliminating toys aisle and instead use a genderless aisle. The removal of gender label removes gender stereotypes. However, gender differences are also evidences in marketing advertised. Stores like Walmart and Toys R US recently, tried to tone down their gender specific children’s marketing. Toys can be representative as way children should be gender identities. For example, females should play with dolls. However, playing with dolls does not naturally portray person as feminine or it proves a girl as female. By …show more content…

The concept may seem so simple but it’s a very complex subject matter. With the recent resurgent of transgender, acceptances of what is indefinable gender is socially acceptable. Gender dysphoria formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder is a defined by strong, persistent feeling of identification with the opposite gender and feel discomfort with the assign sex. People with gender dysphoria live as members of the opposite sex by dress attire and mannerism. If a person identified as boy may feel and act like a girl. Several studies have tracked the president of gender dysphoria in children. Many research shows young children is highly unstable and likely to change. There is not predication of gender dysphoric in children. Some young children are highly unstable and likely to change because of social or parental influence. For the children that stay in gender dysphoric many are give hormone suppression before

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