Essay On Fruits And Berries

814 Words2 Pages

Fruits and berries are one of nature’s free gift to mankind. Fruits and berries play very important roles in improving the health of individuals through its nutritious supplements. Researches have shown that fruit and berries prevents us from countless number of diseases, if only we make good use of them. Fruits and berries are some of the natural sources of minerals and vitamins and other compounds which are needed for the body to function properly. They are rich in dietary fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestives tract. They also provide the body with enough energy to perform its daily activities.
Fruits are defined as the edible part of a matured ovary of a flowering plant. They are …show more content…

Fruits are made up of carbohydrate which is the main source of energy. These carbohydrates are made up of sugars which break down to produce energy. Fruits are able to produce more energy than normal sugar or sweets because of their fructose content. Whenever you eat fruits, your energy level increases in short time and this enables our bodies to function properly.
Fruits help in digestion and excretion processes. Most fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which is needed for the smooth and efficient functioning of the digestive and excretory system. Fibrous fruits enable the body to digest food easily. Fruits enables us to free our bowels easily thereby preventing constipation. Due to the fibrous content, fruits are also known to prevent colon cancer. Therefore people with digestive and excretory problems should consume more fruits to alleviate them from such …show more content…

They are made up of many seeds, soft and evolve from a single ovary. All fruits are made up of antioxidants, but berries that are rich in nutrient are the best source to derive antioxidant. Below are some of the benefits of berries for improving the health of humans.
For the prevention of arthritis (inflammation of the joints). Antioxidants such as vitamin C, anthocyanin and quercetin are found in berries for the prevention of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Anthocyanin is responsible for reducing inflammation, and can be helpful in managing and the prevention of arthritis. Quercetin decreases the inflammatory effects of the chemicals contained in the synovial fluid of the joints of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C also helps in making the joint flexible.
For losing weight. Including the antioxidants, berries are also made up of juice that contain water. Juicy foods are able to reduce one’s weight by filing the system to eliminate more calories in the body. Berries helps in proper digestion which enable fats to be converted into energy. Since the body starts using the stored lipids effectively, the body fat decreases thereby reducing the body’s weight.
In other to remain healthy, one must eat fruits and berries daily to develop his or her immune system to fight

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