Essay On Feminist Crimminism

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A core reason for the emergence of feminist criminology during the Women’s Movement in the 1970s was the neglect of women in male dominated mainstream criminology (Renzetti 2013, 3-5). This emergence meant that an awareness of power came about, strengthening the core theoretical groundings of feminist criminology. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of gendered power as a core element of feminist criminological theories, and how an awareness of power has influenced modern child protection policies both positively and negatively. Firstly, the way that feminism interprets the male sexual power dynamic has been completely reinterpreted in terms of the powerlessness that relates to women and children (Angelides 2004, 145-147).
Furthermore, the role of gendered power is significant in both child protection and abuse. It is argued that as well as an exploitation of power, child abuse originates from conflict over gender identity and male authority, with male authority being expressed directly through violent control over women and children (Evan and Flitcraft, 1988). The feminist interpretations of power that have stemmed from the original emergence of feminist criminology in the 1970s have had significant influences on modern child protection policy, both positive and negative. These influences have seen a shift from traditional ‘victim blaming’ tendencies, toward acknowledging masculine power dynamics and utilising ‘victim oriented’ solutions. These positive solutions take into account the relative powerlessness of children in abusive situations, which enables a better approach to rehabilitating victims (Carrington 2008, 79).

The Foundations of Gendered Power Dynamics

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...o undetected as perpetrators of child abuse (Smart, 1976).
Through the exploitation of the masculine power dynamics as a gendered construct, feminist interpretations of power have highlighted the powerlessness of children (Angelides 2004, 150). Through the acknowledgement of dominant masculine power, feminism has initiated the paradigm shift from victim blaming toward a modern understanding of child powerlessness, and imbedding it modern child protection policy. As a result, feminism has enabled a broad understanding of the role of power within child abuse, and has positively influenced modern child protection policy. Child protection is still a predominant issue, and will take a long time to resolve. The influence of feminism on relative power dynamics will directly result in the positive progression and development of modern child protection policy in the future.

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