Romeo and Juliet: Lovers' Demise by Fate or Choice?

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Cheesy star crossed lovers, magic in the air, lovers turn to suicide, magic turns into despair. The tale of the tragic star crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet has been debated, remade, reinterpreted, and rewritten since it was first written in 1595-ish by William Shakespeare. Even then the story was based off of an ancient tale. The thing that is most debated in Romeo and
Juliet, is whether or not the the lovers are at fault and caused their own demise or if it was something bigger than them, like fate. Romeo and Juliet caused their own death because one can’t blame fate when they had choices. That’s like answering a test question wrong and then saying “oh it’s not my fault, fate made me choose that answer!” Romeo and Juliet had choices and made …show more content…

Maybe then it can be called fate, fate is something that is going to happen no other options or alternatives. Like physics. Romeo and
Juliet had choices, like roots, paths they take lead to other ones and every little choice counts for something, Romeo and Juliet’s story is not like clockwork or gravity it is like roots forever changing and growing with many paths to take.
Another reason Romeo and Juliet are at fault is the people around them. The people around Romeo and Juliet may have influenced the situation, but nothing so severe that their story should be labeled as fate. Like how Juliet’s father wanted her to get married, that did not put her in a dead end street with nowhere to turn, his roots simply intertwined with hers blocking off a few paths. People’s lives are all like roots, our paths intertwining with each other’s blocking off some paths and opening up others. People aren't falling apples facing the inevitable end. If
Juliet’s father didn’t try to force her into marriage maybe things would have turned out different, but that doesn’t mean fate is controlling our lives, it just means lord capulet is impatient.
Finally the last reason that Romeo and Juliet’s story was not fate, is that this is in

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