Essay On Exercise And Body Image

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Exercise and Body Image Reaction Essay

Now more than ever pressure is being placed on people to have the ”perfect body.” For men this term is no longer perceived as being big, but rather lean and bulky; and for women is one of being thin and toned. Although we live in an instant society where we want things now and at the push of a button, plastic surgery and quick fix diets aren’t the long lasting cure, exercise is.

Exercise has been shown to improve all different types of hindrances that we as humans face; depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and obesity to name a few. After reading this article, it was shown that exercise also helps to create a positive body image. Researchers had 3 different categories: experimental vs. control group, …show more content…

“For the elderly, the smaller effect sizes typically evidenced may be a reflection of their body image being linked to their body’s functioning and physical capabilities, and not to appearance-oriented criterion.” (Hausenblas, 40). Elderly people, unlike teens and adults who workout for the ideal body, are physically active due to keeping in health and for the social aspect. By joining a small exercise program, they can make friends, find partners to motivate and support them, and still get in the recommended level of activity needed, all while keeping in shape.

In this article only one study was located that “examined the acute effects of exercise on body image,” (Hausenblaus, 42) due to this the authors did not go into much detail. However, from personal experience, exercising just one time after having remained sedentary, I tend to view myself differently. Due to the fact, that I know I went and worked out gives me confidence and increases my self-efficacy. After the next couple of days, when soreness kicks in, it acts as a motivator, making me want to go exercise more and more, each day, thus, increasing my body …show more content…

It has been proven time and time again that exercise is the main answer to all of our problems. Aiding in things such as improving psychological illness, emotional health, and cognitive function, it’s a mystery why more Americans do not engage in the recommended levels of physical activity daily. With pressure on now more than ever to have the “perfect body” all it takes is a little motivation, determination, and exercise, and you are on your

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