Essay On Dancing

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Talent is one of the most important things when it comes to art because it is composed of different characteristics that each individual must possess. People living in this world have different talents that must be trained in order for it to be developed and used it in everyday life.God gave us talent in order for us to grow and realized that having this is very important because it can be used not only to earn for a living but can be used also in serving or offering it to Him as a present and thanking Him for giving us this kind of blessing. For us to have a more information about it, dancing is a gift from Almighty God that shouldbe cherished and treasured to the fullest because of His greatness and love to us even if we commit sins not only to Him but also to other people who surrounds us always.Like dancing, which can be also called as language of our souls expresses our idea or thoughts of how we delivered the message even without words but through actions. Through this, we can tell a story or portray to others what is in our minds and souls for them to understand and appreciate the things that we have.
Life is like a dance, it should be nurtured to maintain the perfect performance that we want not only to ourselves but also to our dance partner for us to have a unity for each individual. In order for us to have a nice performance, alwaysbear in our mind that we should always portray the proper posture to have a body language and to have a nice performance while dancing, body coordination in order to move freely and comfortably especially in the eye of others and balance to create a harmonious and be united in terms of dancing. Dance is a kind of art that involves body movement particularly a sequence of movements an...

... middle of paper ... young generation as a good example of being devoted and willing person to learn more about in the field of dancing. As we all know that dancing never dies because it is like a legend that will never vanished because of the great follower who also wants to learn from it. And as an example, I am one of these persons who actually dedicate the entire life just because of dancing. That as I dance, I always feel the contentment and excitement that it gave to me as a performer and at the same time a dancer that God has given and rewarded to me. I’m so very blessed to have this kind of talent because it helps me to achieve what I wanted to be to help my family who loved and cared for me always.

TrevaBedinghaus.Top 4 Health Benefits of Dance
Retrieved January 15, 2014

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