My first core value is autonomy and independence, and it is important to me because I want some freedom to decide how and when to do my job. Having autonomy will allow me to implement some of my own ideas into my work, which will increase my dedication toward the job. I also need to believe that I am the source of my actions, rather than a manager above me in order to be satisfied with my job. I have always been around and interacted with a diverse group of people throughout my education and in my community. Therefore, I want to collaborate with a diverse group of people in my workplace as well. I believe having people similar and different from me in my workplace would make me more comfortable and at ease with my job because I would be more …show more content…
For a company, cultural fit is important because the company doesn’t want a potential employee to clash with current employees and the company’s values. This tension will eventually cause the employee to be fired, which will result in increased costs for the company. The job seeker should also consider cultural fit because many people need to believe in the core values of their company in order to be fully satisfied with their job. Even though cultural fit can be used for a good purpose, it may act as a disguise to keep the workplace free from diversity. A company is free to make its definition of cultural fit as vague as it would like, and the interviewer can create various judgments of a person based on intangible qualities. Also, a person that doesn’t initially exemplify the values of the company, but has many tangible skills required for the job may appreciate a company’s values with time. Another factor to consider is whether a company’s hiring for cultural fit actually follows the values it advocates for employees. It would be unfair for an employer to exclude potential candidates when the company itself doesn’t prioritize or understand its own cultural …show more content…
Adobe is a company that supports creativity and prides itself on being innovative. Employees at Adobe are encouraged to use Kickbox, which is an “innovation toolkit that walks users through a six-step process of turning an idea into a marketable product” (Fisher, 2016). Adobe demonstrates its sincerity toward innovation by using its own recourses to fund the cause. Therefore, “each Kickbox kit at Adobe contains $1,000 of the company’s money- not to mention the cost of the time employees spend working on projects that may or may not pan out” (Fisher, 2016). Adobe rewarded and incentivized employees to take risks, whereas other companies are reluctant to do so. This initiative would allow me to set goals for myself, and encourage me to think differently by not penalizing me for doing so. Adobe’s trust in its employees has cultivated a culture that prioritizes innovation by proving taking risks can lead to
In this essay I will be addressing the argument if there is a collision of “two cultures” in this book. I will look at the fact the Hmong people have their own medical practices that is completely different from the western medicine practices. I will look at the fact that the Hmong and the doctors did not communicate well and that it’s hard for those people of different cultures to understand one another.
A cultural assessment interview is very important when taking care of patients or their families who may be from a different culture than the nurse’s. In order to be able to better take care of a patient, we first need to know their own interpretation of disease and illness within their cultural context, values, and beliefs. Since I am Indian and my culture is a mix of the Indian cultural beliefs and my religion Islam, I was looking forward to this interview so that I am able to learn more about different cultures using my assessment.
In today’s society there are many words that are used or said without giving it complete thought. For example, the word “identity” is something to which I have never really given much thought or even considered how I identify myself.
There are more than 200 languages estimated to be spoken here in California alone (McCaffree 611-613). The reason cultural diversity is a barrier is because of different beliefs other countries and cultures have regarding health care. Another part of this type of barrier is due to language differences. Culture is a huge part of our life and each needs to be treated with respect. The US is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world so it’s even more important here; California is a very diverse state. Since the 20th century, there has been an increase in immigration into this country from different cultures. Our diversity is part of what defines us as a country. One such example is the Chinese culture that believes in the concept
... cultural and personal differences among the people who work there and the customers who do business there (Williams, 2014.) This statement alone is representative of the majority of businesses operating today. With that in mind, organizations should welcome and encourage the benefits of diversity because not only is it the legal thing to do, it is also the ethical thing to do.
Living in a country where it was founded by immigrants, diversity is everywhere you go especially in the workplace. There are many types of diversity; ethnicity, gender, religion and age just to name a few. Working in a diverse organization it can give you a taste of the real world, and what you will deal with wherever you go. There is so much diversity in the world today so it is a benefit to experience it in the workplace as well. You are given the chance to learn so many things from different cultures, why wouldn't you want to work in a diverse organization?
Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Throughout the span of our lives, we constantly see change occur in the world around us. As human beings, we tend to reject the idea of change; we disfavor the idea of someone or something coming into our lives and disrupting our way of living. Because of this, we create boundaries that separate ourselves from those that we deem to be “different.” This process of thinking often leads to situations where we create a type of “us versus them” ordeal, where one group of people sees themselves as superior to the other. Creating boundaries between different groups of people is not a concept we are unfamiliar with, there have been countless examples of it throughout history, such as the Holocaust or the battle over slavery; we can also see ethnic boundaries forming today within education systems and things like the Black Lives Matter movement. The
Cultural competence is defined as the ability of the therapist to adequately deliver mental health assistance that conforms to social, cultural, and dialectal needs of our clients (Gerogetown University, 2004). One key aspect is for counselors to have an awareness of their own cultural identity and views about dissimilarities, and the ability to put aside belief in one way and be open to learning and building on their client’s cultural and community norms (National education association, 2017, p. para. 1). As counselor’s we need to be aware of our own biases and judgments to ensure we seek to understand our client’s first instead of being understood. Mattar (2011) clarifies cultural competency as variables that determine our perceptions
Today, American society has been dealing with a diversity of ethnicities ranging from African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans for many years. In the beginning of America, there was distinguish hierarchical structure of ethnic group brought upon by de-facto segregation and de-jure segregation. However, in the turn of the mid twentieth century, America became unified under a principle of cultural pluralism. The abolishment of slavery, the desegregation of public facilities and intuitions, and the Equal Rights Act of 1964, which gave all minorities including women an equal opportunity, gave rise to the so-called “melting pot” of cultural, languages, and customs. In cultural pluralism, all the various ethnicities are unique in their own way, but not one ethnic group is higher than another. This notion of a hierarchy ethnic group has disappeared during the mist of the civil rights movement through the 1960s. Today,
When it comes to anthropological theories, it is hard to prove or disprove them because everyone has different experiences in their lives within their different cultures that contribute to their opinion on that theory. I believe this is true with the theory of cultural relativism. My experiences within my own culture and the beliefs of my culture have led me to both agree and disagree with different aspects, or lack thereof, of cultural relativism. I believe there exists a duality within the theory of cultural relativism, a duality that I am familiar with and that has become a significant part of my culture. I am from the Twin Cities in Minnesota. The “Twin Cities” refers to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Only divided by a river (or in some cases, just a street), these cities are of equal, yet different importance in Minnesota culture. My experiences spending time in the two cities have led me to live in duel cultures. While many people live in a duality of cultures through their ethnicity, I identify with duel cultures based on geography. My experiences in both Minneapolis and St. Paul contribute to my ambivalence regarding cultural relativism. In Anthropology, there is a gray area when it comes to generalizing about cultures, because we all come from different ones. The idea of duality is a familiar one with which I can apply to my own life and my own culture, as well as to the well-known anthropological theory that tries to find an answer to the question of what culture is.
The concept of diversity is very broad and it covers many definitions. We can say that, above all, diversity is a characteristic feature of our world and the reality of the society around us. A reality that in recent years has been reinforced by economic globalization, and the mobilization of markets and people. More and more people move around the world, bringing their culture and personal experience. For our society, cultural diversity is a fact that in many years it has become very evident largely due to the incorporation of immigrants. In the case of a business, cultural diversity can bring a number of positive elements such as creativity, innovative spirit, commitment, responsibility, knowledge, experience, etc. However, very often, cultural diversity is interpreted in stereotypes and prejudices. And in a way, more or less open, people are considered different in many cases subject to negative consideration. In most cases, this means that cultural diversity is associated with difficulties and problems and more positive side is not contemplated.
Cultural Appropriation versus Multiculturalism In today's society, there are many different cultures that individuals identify with. Culture is very important to many people and is something that helps define who we are. When different cultures are respected and appreciated, it is a beautiful thing, it can bring individuals in society closer to one another. Ideally, this understanding of one another’s cultures can lead to multiculturalism.
When linking the concept of cultural relativism to architecture, one would realize that both these components depend on each other. One cannot exist without the other (Kohler, 2003). Kohler remarks that in order for architecture to be progressive, The transfer and acceptance of technologies and techniques has to be based on a sound knowledge of regional culture (Kohler, 2003). In other words, the existing architecture or urban environment has to distinguish the features of regional diversity. Cultural exchange must consider the environment. No clash exists between regional and environmental appropriate construction techniques (Kohler, 2003). This is so because traditional architecture has adopted economic and environmental solutions. Conflict can only exist if one considers the ‘international style’ that has popularized the modern era with its high resource consumption. Kohler (2003) also stresses that there should be no regional cultural boundaries in order for architecture to be progressive (Kohler, 2003:86)
A comparison between modern Western countries and Japan emphasizes a large discrepancy in beliefs regarding cultural growth in the separate parts of the world (Leonardson, 2004). According to many scholars and much research done on Japan the culture is the perfect example of what cultural homogeneity means as a whole. The cultural homogeneity affects the Japanese youth in how they grow, develop, affect their communities, and live their future lives in the community; this also plays a role in forcing out crime in the country. It also affects the procedures of the police force when interacting with citizens and planning new procedures that require the help and cooperation of Japanese citizens. The cultural
While growing up, one of my strengths was being able to get along with many different ethnic groups. At an early age, I was exposed to a wide array of different cultures since my school was very multicultural. Even to this day, I enjoy learning about new cultures because it allows and helps me to understand their way of life. Learning about new and different cultures other then my own makes me appreciate and respect others more than ever. Collaborating with people of different backgrounds allows me to work with a wide range of groups, which in return allows me to understand certain ethnic group’s approach on life. I appreciate the opportunities to collaborate with people of diverse backgrounds because it allows me to gain insight into other cultures and better develop my interpersonal skills socially and professionally.