Essay On Cavities

756 Words2 Pages

Cavities are areas of the teeth that become eroded by decay over the course of time. Cavities can range in size from the size of a pinpoint to the size of the tooth. The longer cavities remain in the tooth the worse they become. Do cavities hurt? In the initial stages, cavities are painless and most individuals may not realize they have them unless they visit their dentist, who finds them during a routine exam or a procedure. As time goes on, the become larger and deeper. When the cavity begins to penetrate the dentin and reaches the nerve, it begins to create pain. The pain can become severe for some people which can restrict their diet and activities. Eventually, if not treated, the cavity will kill the nerve in the tooth and the tooth will no longer feel pain. At that point, the tooth will crumble and can possibly need pulling to prevent infection and complications. What causes cavities? Cavities …show more content…

Children need to regularly see the dentist, usually every six months, to monitor their dental progress and catch any issues before they can cause pain and infections. Teach children how to properly brush their teeth and not miss areas. They should also receive instruction on how to properly floss their teeth to get the plaque and food out of the spaces and crevices of the teeth where cavities are most likely to form. Adults should be very vigilant about their oral hygiene and brush afer every meal. Brush your teeth before bed and refrain from eating right before bed without brushing. Some foods that contain high levels of sugar or acid can accelerate the process of tooth decay. Avoid these foods, and if you do consume them you should brush your teeth right away. Having your teeth cleaned regularly by a dental hygienist or the dentist is also a great way to remove tartar that can cause tooth decay. Schedule a cleaning at least every six months to keep your teeth clean and

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