Essay On Career Tributes

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Before the game, all the tributes gather together on the first day of training Katniss explain what is a Career Tribute . “In District 12, we call them the Career Tributes, or just the Careers. And like as not, the winner will be one of them.”
Katniss finally meet kids from others district on their first training day and explain the inequality between rich and poor:
The exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts, the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment. The tributes from 1, 2, and 4 traditionally have this look about them. It 's technically against the rules to train tributes before they reach the Capitol but it happens every year. In District 12, we call them the Career Tributes, …show more content…

They are from the wealthier district like district one, two, and four which they will have a high chance to win The Hunger Game. The career tribute they train for their whole lives to take part of The Hunger Game compared to the poorer district instead of being prepared they were suffering from finding food for their everyday life.After seeing them Katniss knows that she will have a hard chance to survive.
I remember the day I visited my relative family in Viet Nam 2013 knowing that most of my cousins have to quit school and stay home to help their family because of the financial issue which they can’t afford for school. My mom always reminded me why they came to the United State for. It 's to help me have a better future and a better education. Katniss explain how the Career tribute had the advantage and the inequality between district same as I see the differences between rich and poor when I visit my cousin …show more content…

There is a small road lead to her house which I have to walk because my brother car can’t drive through. On the side of the road are blocks of block beautiful golden rice field ready to harvest.I saw farmer get ready to go to the field and my parent use to be one of them.Suddenly I heard “Come in ” my aunt ,she shouts out from the middle of the field with an excited voice. “ Okay, make sure your dog was was not coming out from the middle of nowhere and to bite me like last time,” my mom said and laugh.We start talking and she asks “ do you still go to school”. “ Of course, yes, I’m going to start College when I come back” I answer. “ Where are Nhi and Mi, are they in school?” I ask. Nhi and Mi are my cousins, they about my age. My aunt, she

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