Essay On Capitalism And Socialism

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Socialism Versus Capitalism, two kinds of governments and both are extremely different in almost every way, if not so already different in all ways. Socialism is where the government owns everything that you own, so basically you don’t own it, and it’s everybody’s truck or wealth. You have no rights to revolt or revolution, and the government has total control over your life.
Capitalism is private owned businesses, items, homes and wealth. The government doesn’t own what you own and you have the right to revolt or start a revolution. The government is run by the people, and has no say on how you live your life, you do. In a socialist government, what’s theirs is theirs and what's yours is also theirs. everyone is the worker, The government …show more content…

They made them work 12 hours or more every day, and sometimes even the weekend. Most eat breakfast on the run to the factory, and don’t get a break until lunchtime, or noon. After that, no more breaks, just work and the bringing of breathing problems, pain, and heat stroke during the summer.

Socialism came by from a man named Hobbes. He believed in total control of the government, everyone had everything everyone else had, and there would be no murder, rape, or war. He wanted one man in total control, but he also has to back down to himself. Related to communism, Socialism and communism both have one total ruler, no belief in monopoly or controlled self wealth, and everyone has everything they need, and shall give everyone else what they need if necessary or possible.

It is needed of us to learn how to understand the differences between all types of governments, because if we only side with one, we may change our mind later if there is a smarter choice that we believe in. Knowing the different types of governments will give people more knowledge and understanding of other countries with different cultures, government, people and language. Less bias will be spread around and people will understand others

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