Explain The Red Scare In America After World War I

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Explain capitalism in your own words. (1 point)

Capitalism is an economic and political system where a country's trade and industry is controlled by private owners in order to have a profit, rather than controlled by the government/state.

Explain communism in your own words. Explain the Red Scare in America after World War I. Were fears of “reds” legitimate? (3 points) a.)Communism is where all property is owned publicly and every one works and is paid according to their needs and abilities.
b.)The red scare was the fear of communism in the USA during the 1920s.
c.)Yes the fears of “reds” were legitimate because it was a very scary thing that a series of strikes occurred in 1919.

Explain anarchist in your words. What was the Sacco and Vanzetti case about? Find a photograph from …show more content…

What new careers were available to women in the 1920s? (1 point)

Some careers available to women in the 1920s were a social worker, a teacher, a librarian, and a nurse.

Find an image of the Spirit of St. Louis (cut and paste). Who was Charles Lindbergh? (2 points)

Charles Lindbergh was an American aviator who made the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic ocean.

Explain expatriate in your own words. Find images of book covers written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis (cut and paste)? Name a poem written by T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Carl Sandburg, and Robert Frost. (3 points)
An expatriate is a person that lives outside their own country.

A poem written by T.S. Eliot was “The waste land”. A poem written by Ezra Pound's “The Cantos” A poem written by Robert Frost's “Mending Wall”.

Define Jazz. What was the Harlem Renaissance? Find a Harlem Renaissance poem from Langston Hughes, a painting by Jacob Lawrence, and a song by Louis Armstrong, “Duke” Ellington (cut and paste). (3

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