Batten Disease Essay

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Batten disease or Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCL) is nervous system disorder that is inherited. There is a few different age categories related to such disease but it usually manifests itself in childhood. Although Batten disease is the juvenile form of NCL, most doctors use the same term to describe all forms of NCL. Batten disease or NCL may be recognized by parents or doctors that notice a child begin to develop vision problems or seizures. In some cases the early signs are subtle, taking the form of personality and behavior changes, delayed speech, slow learning, clumsiness or stumbling.

Over some period of time, affected children (patients) experience mental impairment, worsening seizures, and progressive loss of sight and motor …show more content…

Although the age of death is variable among affected individuals, this form of NCL does shorten life expectancy.

For the purpose of this project, we are just concerned about type 3 Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses also known as batten disease. The first symptoms of this type of disease include[2] an impairment of vision, which progresses rapidly and eventually results in total blindness. Children with such disease experience the loss previous acquired skills eg. ability to speak in complete sentences. Also children tend to have difficulty with learning new information such as reading, listening, which shows an intellectual decline.

Furthermore affected children might lose motor skills such as the ability to walk or sit as disease progresses. They also develop movement abnormalities that include rigidity or stiffness, slow or diminished movements, and stooped posture. Affected children may have recurrent seizures (epilepsy), heart problems, behavioral problems, difficulty sleeping, and problems with attention that begin in mid - to late childhood. …show more content…

The groups investigate a trial of several patients who experience batten disease, in hope to slow the progress of the disease. The main experimenting treatments envolve gene transfer vector done by WMCCU since November 2013 and mycophenolate mofetil administration given by University of Rochester since March 2014. While there is still no specific treatment available to cure Batten disease, recent studies have showed that disease was manipulated by several drugs to slow down the progress. While specific drug is yet to be discovered, a patient suffering from Batten's disease will likely die. The time period between first noticing the disorder and death varry between different types of the

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