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Reason to kill a mockingbird should not be banned
Reason to kill a mockingbird should not be banned
To kill a mockingbird race relations
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Recommended: Reason to kill a mockingbird should not be banned
The book To Kill a Mockingbird is a book filled with history, hot topics, and controversy as to the true nature of the book: Whether the nature and dialogue of the book is racist, or if the book is simply being accurate to the setting it's placed in, the 1930s. The book To Kill a
Mockingbird by Harper Lee is surrounded by controversy due to it's supposed racist language and setting. But the book was never meant to offend or insult anyone, just simply trying to be a book accurate with the setting it's in. To Kill a Mockingbird by should not be banned in any school that wants to teach it. To ban this book is to take away the knowledge and intelligence within the cultured book. Also, not only does the book teach real-world topics and debates, but
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First, to deny the book due to its linguistic nature is to censor what separates humans from ferality: knowledge. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus and his brother Jack are talking about what a young girl nicknamed Scout asked Jack. Jack says to Atticus, “She asked me what a whore-lady was” (Lee 90). To this, Atticus asks “Did you tell her?” (Lee 90). And in response to this question, Jack says, “No, I told her about Lord Melbourne” (Lee 90). To Jack’s response,
Atticus states, “Jack! When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness’ sake” (Lee
90). This shows how even within the book there is no censorship to knowledge, no matter what the question or the answer is. Showing how if you censor this book, it could lead to lost knowledge. Next, the book has been considered harmful to young people due to the nature and messages of racism in the book, but that’s just it the book is meant to talk about real world issues and topics. In “5 Reasons to Teach to Kill a Mockingbird and 6 Reasons Not to” the writer states,
"It is about discrimination, racism, cruelty and growing up-all topics that teenagers
Mark Twain once said, "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.” However, some of his books, such as Huckleberry Finn, were often banned for irrational reasons. Like Huckleberry Finn and many other books, To Kill a Mockingbird (TKaM) has also been unreasonably banned in many places. I firmly believe that TKaM, like any other book, should not be banned because it is a timeless classic that teaches positive morals and contains many important lessons. TKaM is a very skillful book that explores many significant themes.
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is a heartbreaking, timeless novel that examines stereotyping and its consequences. The novel shadows Atticus Finch, a small-town lawyer, as he defends a black man, Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping a white woman in racist Maycomb, Alabama. Frequently, To Kill a Mockingbird has been banned for use in many schools because of the racial content in it. In the novel, racial tension and slurs are used frequently. Although the novel does contain these things, To Kill a Mockingbird should definitely be taught in schools because it represents accurately what it was like before blacks received their civil right, it teaches valuable life lessons, and it shows how novels like To Kill a Mockingbird helped the civil rights movement.
Killing a mockingbird is a very memorable book, people who read the book years ago still remember it today. Some people think the book shouldn't be taught in school, however, the evidence shows the book should be taught in schools. How Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird should be taught in schools because it teaches racism from a kids perspective and how kids deal with the world's problems. Some people think that Harper Lee’s to kill a mockingbird should not be taught in schools, for example Malcolm Gladwell.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper lee in 1960. The novel tells the story of Atticus Finch, a white lawyer, and Tom Robinson, a black servant, accused of raping a white female. Finch defends Robinson in court arguing lack of evidence as his main point. However, the judge and jury still believe the woman’s testimony and orders Robinson to be killed. The novel has been praised for its outstanding literature since its publication. However, it remains a banned book by the American Library Association for its use of racial slurs and profanity. Due to it being banned, many high schools have reconsidered the notion of teaching it to their students. Two prominent authors wrote articles pertaining to this piece of literature: Angela Shaw-Thornburg wrote an article on her re-reading of the novel and her opinions on it; while Malcom Gladwell wrote an article comparing Atticus Finch to a state governor liberalist, James Folsom, and the restraints of liberalism in the south. In addition, Rebecca Best contributes her thought on how the novel should be taught by introducing the idea of “the other.” Regardless of the modern day political arguments surrounding this piece of literature, this novel contains a large insight into the time period of the 1960s which is an influential topic that should be taught to young high school students.
An important reason why To Kill a Mockingbird is relevant today is the ever growing resurgence of racism throughout the country. Events such as the ones in Jena, Louisiana seem to become more common each day. Recently, a black professor at Columbia University had a noose placed on her door. The novel, which was an attempt to spread knowledge of the racism in the south, was trying to stop the very things that happen everyday now. As racism becomes more and more prevalent, this novel will be a good tool to help teach the next generation about racism, and about how it is wrong.
I personally believe that the story, To Kill a Mockingbird should not be banned in schools, and the story should be allowed in students’ curriculum. The first reason to why I believe this to be true would be the fact that it allows students the opportunity to learn about human mistakes and how to be better people in the future. A second reason would be that students are able to learn important parts of our history within the book. It also teaches students important morals that may be hard to teach without the context of a book such as this one.
Effective Conventions Made : Research shows that children are more susceptible to commit crimes, develop depression and ___ psychological disorders from the effects of bad parenting. In fact, many people grow up treating others just like how their parents treated them with reference to their parents’ values, behaviours and attitudes. Harper Lee, an American author expressed her childhood experiences in Alabama through writing the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. This book makes a reference to how society views in the Great Depression (1930s) changed to be noticeably racist impacting the life of a widowed father and lawyer named Atticus and his children Jem and Scout. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee conveys that Atticus Finch is a great
As you can now see “To Kill A Mockingbird” should not be be banned because it tells an important fictional story about America's past. This book does contain rape, violence, and foul language. The author is keeping true to the time period. Also these kind of things are seen in the world on a daily basis. Us children should not be sheltered from these kind of serious
Banning books from public schools and public libraries is wrong. It’s irrational to have a parent or school board member’s opinion determine what a school district should be reading. Books including and not limited to, The Scarlet Letter, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Lord of the Flies, and Animal Farm all have one thing in common. They have all at one time or another been subject to banishment. These literary classics have been around for a long time and proved to be vital to the education of many, especially children and adolescents. These novels teach values and educate children about world affairs that can not come from an everyday experience. These controversial novels encompass the materials that ultimately boost our educational wealth. Banning books infringe
Has evil always been around, or did man create it? One could trace evil all the way back to Adam and Eve; however, evil came to them, but it was not in them. When did evil become part of a person? No one knows, but evil has been around for a long time and unfortunately is discovered by everyone. In many great classics in literature evil is at the heart or the theme of the novel, including Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. This classic book demonstrates the growing up of two children in the South and illustrates the theme of evil by showing how they discover, how they deal, and how they reconcile themselves to the evils they experience.
Education has progressed positively since the 1930s. Some would argue education was better in the 1930s because we did not have all the technology that ‘fries our brains’ and the students could leave for harvesting time. However, I believe education is at its best now because there is no physical abuse and attendance is required.
To Kill A Mockingbird has allowed me as a reader to look back and realize how history really was. For example, many Maycomb citizens were racist towards colored people and many readers should feel how to live in a segregated neighborhood. The scene was when Scout was describing the courthouse and all the African Americans had to sit on top: “ The colored balcony ran along 3 walls..” (219) Also this scene impacted my feeling towards colored people when Scout became aware that all the courthouse members were white. Like many high school students who are reader this book, many of them think the word racism is a joke and don’t use it as it’s
In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper lee, Atticus Finch is up to the challenge of explaining offensive words to his own two children Jem Finch, and Scout Finch. People are conversing everyday whether to communicate in some foreign language, read and write books, or just to chitchat. Some words in specifically the English language are offensive to all different kinds of people. In today's society, the constant issue of offending another person is probably at an all time high. If we are all so hypersensitive about saying vile things to others; How will the children, and other generations learn from shunning those specific words. Atticus Finch instead of shunning those words he would immediately explain it to his children. Uncle Jack, comes
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has been challenged/banned countless times since it’s original publication in 1960. The reasoning people could have behind banning it is that they feel that the racism, language and subject matter in the book is offensive, inappropriate, immoral and that it encourages and condones such things. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb, a small town in Alabama, during the depression from 1935-1937, and is told from the perspective of a little girl named Scout. In the book Scout’s father Atticus teaches her and her brother Jem many valuable lessons. The things Atticus teaches Scout and Jem are things we all need to know. To Kill a Mockingbird is an inspirational book that teaches valuable moral values, and should not be banned.
Therefore, students might not be mature enough to understand certain aspects of the book and could end up not learning anything. To illustrate, the article from the Los Angeles Times called “Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Virginia school pulls books after parent's complaint” states, “The mother, Marie Rothstein-Williams, said she believes… ‘There is so much racial slurs in there and offensive wording that you can’t get past’” (Schaub). Students may have been too focused on the offensive wording that they would not be able to grasp the significance of the story.