Essay On Avicenna

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Avicenna Rough Draft

“I would rather have a short life with width rather than a narrow one with length.” These and many other words are said by Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusain ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sīnā or in simply Latin, Avicenna (Afnan ). While many people remember polymaths such as Francis Bacon or Leonardo da Vinci many Islamic polymaths are not recognized including Avicenna. His impact on the medical field, philosophy, physics, and astronomy truly deserves recognition and the reasons are far many. -------------------
Avicenna was born in August 980 in the area now known as Uzbekistan in a village called Kharmaithan. Some time later he and his father moved to Bukhara, the capital of the Samanid Empire. There he learned from his father and self taught himself the mysteries of the universe. He was definitely a gifted child because, “By the age of ten he had memorized the Qur'an and most of the Arabic poetry which he had read. When ibn Sina reached the age of thirteen he began to study medicine and he had mastered that subject by the age of sixteen when he began to treat patients. He also studied logic and metaphysics, receiving instruction from some of the best teachers of his day, but in all areas he continued his studies on his own.” (University of St. Andrews). Avicenna even cured the Sultan of a disease, which gained him access to the Loyal Library of the Samanids, which skyrocketed his intelligence and introduced him to many new subjects. At the age of 21 Avicenna began writing books such as on ethics, al-Birr wa al-Ithm (Good Work and Evil) and comprehensiveness, Majmu, (Compendium) which he never made copies of. His life immediately changed when his father died near 1000 A.D. and so in order to make money of hi...

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...were revolutionary and still hold true today. His impact on society today goes from his celebrity status in Iran to the Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicines and Sciences in Aligarh, India, Avicenna School in Karachi, Pakistan, moon crater, and a plant genius called Avicennia. This Renaissance man sacrificed a lot of time to write his many books. He sacrificed a lot of time to gain a vast amount of knowledge from Aristotle to cadavers. “Ibn Sina sought to integrate all aspects of science and religion in a grand metaphysical vision. With this vision he attempted to explain the formation of the universe as well as to elucidate the problems of evil, prayer, providence, prophecies, miracles, and marvels. Also within its scope fall problems relating to the organization of the state in accord with religious law and the question of the ultimate destiny of man” (Iskander).

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