Meditation Essay

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When one thinks of meditation, what comes to mind? Does one think of group of 1970’s hippies sitting in a circle singing about peace? How about relaxing music being played? How about trying to form one’s body into a pretzel-like shape? What if meditation has nothing to do with the background music being played or what position one’s body is in? Meditation is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the act or process of spending time in quiet thought” ( Meditation is just simply sitting in a quiet room and thinking about one’s life. The act of meditating is much simpler than many people think. Through deep concentration and relaxation, meditation becomes an altered state of consciousness. Benefits of Meditation Meditation comes in two forms, focused-attention and open-monitoring meditation. Focused-attention meditation is where one focus on one specific thing, such breathing or a particular object outside of you. The point of this type of meditation is to focus strongly on one point and continually bring your attention back to that focal point when one is distracted. Open-monitoring meditation is slightly different in nature. In this type of meditation, one simply pays attention to all that is happening around them. This is done without reacting to any outside forces. Our brains react differently during meditation or in an altered state of consciousness. Using fMRI scans; scientists have developed a more thorough understanding of what’s happening in the brain when one is meditating. The overall difference is that our brains stop processing information as actively as they normally would. A decrease in beta waves is seen, which could indicate that our brains are processi... ... middle of paper ... ...surprised that a 10-minute video flew by so quickly. As a newcomer to transcendental meditation, this former skeptic can definitely understand why followers enjoy this type of meditation so much. It’s an effortless sense of calm and relaxation that is much needed in today’s day and age. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs) As one can see, meditation is a sacred act that can have endless benefits. As well as being a physical act, activities such as transcendental meditation can also be fulfilling spiritually and mentally. Through deep concentration and relaxation, meditation becomes an altered state of consciousness. This essay has shown many ways as to why this is so. Through the simple acts of letting one’s mind go, there are endless possibilities that can happen. Without meditation and altered states of consciousness, the world as we know it would be completely different.

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