Essay On Athletic Trainers

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Life would be much easier for athletes and coaches if there were athletic trainers hired to work in schools. Athletic trainers would help athletic programs very much by helping the injured athletes heal quicker and get back to playing as soon as possible. Athletic trainers would help those who are injured or those who are recovering, they would aid to get athletes back into the best shape they could be in. Athletic trainers would be able to stand on the sidelines at any sporting event as well as their practices. They could be with the teams when they have to travel, and when they have a home game. They could not only help those playing for the team they work for but also the opposing team, I’m sure they would treasure that. High schools athletics are very different than middle school athletics. High school athletes are always getting injured which alters their playing time and affects if they can get colleges to look at them for recruitment. Those who play sports in high school most likely have the vision to one day play in college. It would be very hard to play in college if you were injured throughout your high school career because then you would never get looks from colleges and you wouldn’t be getting better like everybody else. Athletic trainers can help you to not get crippled …show more content…

If players get injured in middle schools they might not be able to play in high school which would affect the future of the high school’s athletic program. Having athletic trainers in middle schools could also mean the athletes learning how to take better care of themselves and learning how to prevent injuries which would help them a lot in high school. I’m sure that not only would middle school coaches appreciate the benefits of having athletic trainers but high school coaches would enjoy the benefits of having athletic trainers at middle

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