Benefits Of Being An Athletic Trainer

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Becoming a Athletic Trainer
Have you ever wondered what an athletic trainer or AT’s officially do? Or wondered who was that person that immediately ran on the field or court when Gordon Hayward or Marshawn Lynch got injured? Those extremely fast people are called Athletic Trainer. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics an athletic trainer is a specialize person in preventing , diagnosing , and treating muscle bones injuries and illnesses for mainly athletes.Athletic trainers are quickly on the rise as it is expected to increase due to people becoming more aware of the effect of sports related injuries,because AT’s are often the first responders in sports when injuries occur , trainer in school should continue to increase( U.S. Bureau
The biggest challenge is to get them to believe in what we're doing. They have to understand that it's O.K. to have good days and bad days.” Dawn Staley is saying that she likes to challenge her injured athletes to rise and believe that they can get over their own injury. It may be hard as an athlete trying to believe that you can come over a heartbreaking injury, but, that's why you have athletic trainers like Dawn to keep you that athlete up and rising to the top. Athletic trainers have their life set out for them, but, in my own opinion it is worth it.Becoming an athletic trainer is difficult and the schooling is long, but the outcome and benefits are great. Overall those are the benefits that a career in athletic training can be beneficial to society as well as one who pursues this

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