Essay On Ancient Greek Government

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A system of government in which one person reigns, usually a king or queen. The authority, or crown, in a monarchy is generally inherited by the eldest son. The ruler, or monarch, is often only the head of state, not the head of governme
nt. Many monarchies, such as Britain and Denmark, are actually governed by parliaments. The first form of this government was founded by Ancient Greece. The ancient greeks had a king or queen that would rule over everyone in the polis. The citizens did not have a say in government and all the choices were left to the government. This kind of government would be great if you had no idea what to do if you had a say in government, but if you did and you weren’t royalty, you would most likely be mistreated and not heard. So this government would be ideal if your people are dumber than sheep and needed to be hearded.

In an oligarchy only a few are chosen to rule. A small group usually made out of the rich decides everything for the people. Like the laws, leaders, and other important political things. Poor people otherwise known as peasants had no say in the government. This idea of government was introduced during during the time of Ancient Greece. This type of government is great for people with money but if you don’t you don’t have a say in government at all, at least if you're alone. This is …show more content…

Don't accuse your mother of tyranny just because she won't let you play video games all weekend long. One of the root words of tyranny is the Latin tyrannia which means the "rule of a tyrant" and a tyrant is a "cruel master." Tyrants usually got power with the support of the people. Tyrants were usually cruel and horrible rulers that abused their citizens after becoming the illegal leader by taking over the government. They usually gave money to supporters to gain more power. Tyrants were mostly cruel and evil and if you're neither than this is not the government for

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