Essay About Multitasking

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Are we really Multitaskers? I know that I am far being labeled as a multitasker and I find that a good thing. Many people believe they are cable of doing more thing than one at once. Multitasking is more difficult than we believe, Can the brain actually be two places at once? I re-evaluated myself thinking I could do many different events at the same time. For example, trying to do two different subjects for school won’t work out for most of us. Humans that focus on one event at a time instead of trying to multitask will be more successful. The brain cannot be two places at the same time. Multitasking will prevent students from learning to the best of their ability. Many people believe they are good at multitasking, when in reality the brain …show more content…

I often find myself focusing on one thing more than the other. For example, trying to watch TV and do homework doesn’t work for me. I begin starring at the TV losing focus on my work and my attention is directed to what I am watching. In addition to that I will lose track of time, work that shouldn’t take that long to finish ends up taking an endless amount of time. With regards to watching TV I can’t express enough how many times I pick up my phone and check what is going on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and in my messages. My phone has to be my biggest distraction, it is a bad habit that I am trying to work on and break. I’ve tried turning my phone off while doing homework, but that wasn’t successful at all. Another example would be me trying to do homework while talking to people or listening to music. While trying to talk to people and work I will find myself typing what I am hearing. My mind is so focused on what the person is saying to me that I will eventually type it and have to revise it once I check my paper. While doing school work I try to avoid multitasking at all cost. I tend to remain focused for a longer duration while concentrating on one thing at a …show more content…

His system was based off four different quadrants that were titled Urgent & Important, Not Urgent & Important, Urgent & Not Important, and, Not urgent & Not Important. Quadrant 1 is Urgent & Important and that deals with crises, emergencies, and assignments that have due dates. That quadrant has to be the most important one, that is where the main priorities should be located in the matrix. Quadrant 2 is Not Urgent & important, I believe this is the quadrant that we need to live with in. Some examples of Quadrant 2 would be exercising, training, sleeping, and eating healthy. These are the aspects of live that aren’t urgent but, are still important on a daily basis. Nobody is forcing me to exercise, train, sleep, and eat healthy I do it for self-improvement and self-growth. The third Quadrant is regarding to Urgent & Not important, stating that it is urgent to someone else but, we could care less about it. For example, a meeting that has nothing to do with us or a family member complaining about their life. Sure we care about our families but, if I am getting phone calls, emails, or text from them just complaining it doesn’t mean much to me. I am not good with advice and never have been. Quadrant 3 is a waste of time to me most of the things that aren’t important to us. Finally, Quadrant 4 Not

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