Essay About Cinco De Mayo

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Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday that means fifth of May in English. It is celebrated all over the world, in many different ways. It is celebrated because it is in remembrance of the Mexican army’s victory of the 1862 Battle of Puebla during the Franco Mexican War against France. This holiday is actually just a minor holiday in Mexico, it is more celebrated in America by the more populated areas with Mexican Americans. One of the largest places in is Los Angeles, California, where it is a large party with food, dancing, parades. A lot of people get this holiday and their independence day mixed up. Their independence day is actually on September 16th. This holiday is also known as the Battle of Puebla.
The history of this holiday is all about the battle of Puebla. Before the battle Mexico was in an economic crisis. The president at that time was Benito Juarez, he decided to stop the payments on the external debt so that he could handle that internal finical situation in Mexico. Mexico was in serve debt with France, England and Spain. These countries sent a delegation because they didn’t think they were going to get paid back. The president reasoned with Spain and Britain but not the French. The French wanted to take over Mexico so they had other ideas than to reason with them. France at this time was being ruled by Napoleon III. He was the one who wanted to invade France so he could make Mexico an empire. The French army invaded Mexico late in 1861. President Juarez and the government went into hiding because of the French army. The French was certain then that they would win so, they sent in 6,000 of their troops to Puebla de Los Angeles lead by General Charles Latrille de Lorencez. When the President of Mexico heard about tha...

... middle of paper ... alcohol like margaritas, sangria, Corona and Dos Equis. People are usually wearing or decorate with the colors of the Mexican flag which are red, white and green. Some music that you would hear is folk music or mariachi bands along with dancing to them. But there is other music to listen to like tejano and banda. Children in school celebrate by making banners and educating them about it each year.
Other counties also celebrate Cinco de Mayo like in Canada. It is not a big holiday there but they skydive there at the annual Cinco de Mayo skydiving show. They have Mexican food, Air time shows and they even have lessons. In Spain they don’t celebrate this day they celebrate the second instead. In Australia it is only celebrated in a couple restaurants where there is Mexican food and drinks. It is also only celebrated where there are largely populated Americans.

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