Essay #2

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Albert Schweitzer once said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” This quote applies to James Dowling’s life when it speaks of the happiness that can be found in serving. Instead of taking the path of the bragging war hero that seeks glory for his ego, Dowling took the path of the humble servant, who, although great, serves others. For example, even though he was a celebrated veteran, he did not spend all of his time on selfish ventures and parties; Dowling volunteered his extra time for the benefit of the children of his town: “Since I had my afternoons free I started organizing baseball games for the little kids, including my five sons. I’d buy the bats and balls and before long we had forty or fifty kids in the league” (Brokaw 433). By giving of himself, Dowling was actually receiving: he was able to spend time with his kids that would have otherwise gone to waste. Therefore, it goes to show that those who will be really happy are those who have sought ...

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