Essay 2

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According to Mill, the principle of Utility is that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness”. Mill’s definition of principle of Utility consists of measuring happiness that is pleasure and absence of pain; and unhappiness that are pain and privation of pleasure When a person does a right decision, he gains happiness or pleasure from doing the right thing. When that person does a wrong one, he gains pain or privation of pleasure, which is the reverse of happiness. The principle of Utility does not measure only the individual’s happiness. It measures both quantity and quality of the resulting overall happiness of all people, including that of the person.
Principle of Utility is one of the concepts of Utilitarianism, promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons. Utilitarianism is a normative ethical view in order to figure out what one should do and should not do in the society related to ethical decision. The principle of morality can be noted as the principle of ethical decision-ma...

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