Erickson Integrity Vs Despair

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Erikson’s final stage of development is integrity verses despair. This stage generally occurs in the later years of life specifically with individuals over the age of about sixty five. However, this stage can occur earlier especially for those diagnosed with a terminal illness or diseases. For example, in the case of Randy who is well below the general age in which this stage occurs, however, since he was diagnosed with an illness he came to stage rather early in life. He is prime example of how going through this stage and having a positive outcome. Rather than letting the news of his illness “kill him” he used it to encourage what was left of his life.
During this stage Erickson suggests that and individual experiences a sense of morality. …show more content…

During this time a structured process is performed and the individual reflects on their life and performs a self-evaluation. They may question who they are, how they did, what they did, and if they lived there life? If after the final life crisis there is a positive result, this is related to ego integrity. This occurs when the individual feels they have lived a life with satisfaction and gratification. The outcome of ego integrity is wisdom. For example, in one of my classes a speaker by the name of Mr. Nathan came in and was supposed to give a speech about leadership, however, instead he managed to tell us how to be successful in life. This wise man has gone through Erikson’s stage of integrity and despair. He had a positive outcome and felt that by pursuing his passion in healthcare, even though his father wanted him to continue in the business, and becoming President of Lee Memorial that he was successful in life. Therefore, he acknowledged what he did well in life and was attempting to pass that wisdom on to us (those listening to his speech). His main highlight during his speech was always follow your passion. No matter what everybody else thinks or wants you to do listen to yourself and you will never be happier. …show more content…

In this short time I have had to live thus far, I still accomplished many things that I wanted to do. For example, I wanted to attend college, making me the first in the family, and I did that. There are of course things that I still want to do such as find a career. However, it is not something that I would need to do in order to feel content with life. The thing that makes me happiest and most satisfied is when I am helping people and I feel as though I have helped many, and even though I have only lived twenty years I feel I have left my mark on many people giving me the most gratification in life. A feel that my wisdom at this point in my life would be that in life there will be good times and bad times, but through it all you find and build yourself. Another piece of advice that I would have acknowledge is why wait to pursue what makes you happy. Do it now or you never

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