Erich Fromm

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How well does each word apply to you? 5 (very well), 4, 3, 2, 1 (not at all).

You will need to sum down for the first four orientations and sum across some of the rows, then sum down and divide by two for the last orientation. The chart should make it clear.

Tender____Captivating_____ Orderly_____Witty_____Sum_____Gullible_____Arrogant_____Stubborn_____Indifferent_____

Sum_____Optimistic_____Gracious_____Reserved_____Curious_____ Sum_____Cowardly_____

Conceited_____ Suspicious_____ Unprincipled_____ Sum_____Idealistic_____



Opportunistic_____ Sum_____Sentimental_____ Seducing_____ Obsessive_____


Wishful_____ Rash_____ Cold_____ Tactless_____ Sum_____Sensitive_____

Proud_____Careful_____ Open-minded____Sum_____Unrealistic_____Aggressive_____Stingy_____

Childish_____ Sum_____Devoted_____ Active_____ Practical_____ Purposeful_____

Sum_____Sum down_____ Sum down_____ Sum down_____ Sum down_____ Sum down &

divide by two_____ Receptive Exploitative Hoarding Marketing Productive

Scores from 12 to 24 are low, 25 to 36 low medium, 37 to 48 high medium, and 49 to 60 high. Please do not take your scores too seriously: the reliability and validity of this test are unknown! This is presented only to give you a better sense of Fromm's orientations

Erich Fromm 1900 - 1980


8Erich Fromm was born in 1900 in Frankfurt, Germany. His father was a business man and, according to Erich, rather moody. His mother was frequently depressed. His childhood was not very happy.

8Like Jung, Erich came from a very religious family, in his case orthodox Jews. Fromm himself later became what he called an atheistic mystic.

8In his autobiography, Beyond the Chains of Illusion, Fromm talks about two events in his early adolescence that started him along his path.

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