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Socio economic status and academic achievement
Socio economic status and academic achievement
Relationship between socioeconomic status and academic performance
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Recommended: Socio economic status and academic achievement
“They must not be allowed to become important.” “They must be shut down immediately. This is a threat to our entire being.” “Our beloved society might fall!” That was the three oldest members of the council all unanimously agreeing that Equality 7-2521 should be sentenced to a lifetime of manual labour as a street sweeper. Not the worst decision that could possibly happen to Equality. No, for someone who had broken the rules and sinned more than most others combined, this was a very lenient punishment. The Council of Vocations was being disgustingly merciful to the man. At least, that was what Cooperation 2-3245, United 3-2122, and Mutual 4-4444 chose to believe. Generic 1-6765 and Universal 5-4321, however, disagreed with the claims that the majority were throwing around. While they slammed their aged hands against the table and wrinkled their face in anger at the thought that someone might possibly change the society they know of, the other two sat quietly and calmly. Their expressions were guarded and all words they spoke were passive and well thought out. They did not wish to infuriate their brothers and sister anymore than necessary. Their only problem was the fact they didn’t agree with forcing one of the smartest men in the class to do something as pitiful as street sweeping. They, in fact, wanted nothing more than to send Equality 7-2521 to the Council of Scholars. …show more content…
“Generic 1-6765 and us believe that Equality 7-2521 would be better if they were placed with others more like them,” Universal 5-4321 said. The elder’s voice was quiet and slightly shaky as she
Equality 7-2521 is rebellious. If a person is rebellious, he shows a desire to resist authority. This authority is most commonly a government that runs its territory in a way which the rebellious person does not support. Rebellious people argue for changing or replacing this authority because they often view it as corrupt or ineffective. Due to their desire for change, these people are often the most dangerous to governments that wish to retain power and control. Equality 7-2521 shows this desire to defy authority in Anthem. The society that he lives in forbids writing unless it is first approved by the Council of Vocations. However, he has done exactly
The lawyer and scholar believed that there should be one universal government ruling the people, this government would be a led by a mix of all three classes. He states how a monarchy would be the ideal rule, but is extremely unrealistic as all humans reason equally. By instating a mixed form of government, people would feel more of a connection with the laws and more of a personal responsibility to follow them if they had a part in creating them. Additionally, all people would be seen as equal before the law as all have equal capabilities and through effort, a common good can be achieved; the only thing differentiating humans is their variety of gifts, besides this, there is no variation. A person’s economic status by no means defines their ability to lead, by all groups participating in government, there are no idle citizens that are not a part of the
Equality 7-2521 believed the Council of Scholars would thank him and make him a member of their council when he would present the light to them, but instead he was condemned and the council was frightened. The council wanted to destroy his creation so he fled t...
But Cady Stanton saw opportunity in public criticism. ‘Imagine the publicity given our ideas by thus appearing in a widely circulated sheet like the Herald!’ she wrote to Mott. ‘It will start women thinking, and men, too.’ She drafted lengthy responses to every negative newspaper article and editorial, presenting the reformers’ side of the issue to the readers. Mott sensed her younger colleague’s future role. ‘Thou art so wedded to this cause, ‘ she told Cady Stanton, ‘that thou must expect to act as pioneer in the
Similarly, it is a problem to disagree with the government in the novella Anthem. In this novella, the government is represented by a House of Scholars. Consider this quote, "And if the Councils had decreed that you should be a Street Sweeper, how dared you think that you could be of greater use to men than in sweeping the streets" (Rand 71-72). This quote is stated by Collective 0-0009, one of the members of the World Council of Scholars. Meant to resemble America's president, Collective 0-0009, tells the protagonist, Equality 7-2521, that he best not disagree with the ...
Many believe the notion of equality and justice are very much intertwined. Through the ways in which Lycurgus and Solon reform their city to resolve social inequalities, the notion of equality and justice is discerned, which is to say equality is universal whereas justice depends on the parameters of the society. Lycurgus led his reforms so that everyone equally advances as a public duty. As opposed to Lycurgus, Solon led his reforms so that every person had a fair chance at advancement and participation in government built on merit and wealth. Lycurgus and Solon both modified their city through political, social, and economic reformations to alleviate social injustice.
Lastly, King uses a historical analogy when he references the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and how they refused the laws of Nebuchadnezzar. He also explains how “academic freedom is a reality today, because Socrates practiced civil disobedience (King 6).”
In relation to social obligations and advancement of society, Mill writes advocating the expression of one’s opinion as the main driving force. Mill states, “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in sile...
Although they were fighting for a worthy cause, many did not agree with these women’s radical views. These conservative thinkers caused a great road-block on the way to enfranchisement. Most of them were men, who were set in their thoughts about women’s roles, who couldn’t understand why a woman would deserve to vote, let alone want to vote. But there were also many women who were not concerned with their fundamental right to vote. Because some women were indifferent in regards to suffrage, they set back those who were working towards the greater good of the nation. However, the suffragettes were able to overcome these obstacles by altering their tactics, while still maintaining their objective.
One of the defining principles of democratic society is the idea that “majority rules.” Despite the fundamental nature of this principle, it has been challenged by some of the greatest thinkers in history. Henry David Thoreau, Emmeline Pankhurst and Karl Marx are among these great thinkers who have commented on the role of the majority in different political and social situations. In works such as, “Civil Disobedience,” “Why We Are Militant,” and the “Communist Manifesto,” they point out some of the inherent flaws with the “majority rules” maxim.
Citizens of today’s society have to comprehend that by conforming to the pressures of others and imitating everyone else, they will get nowhere in life. First of all, a teenage boy attends his first big high school party at a friend’s house one weekend and he is pressured into drinking beer and smoking marijuana so he will seem cool in front of the popular jocks and cheerleaders. Since many teens are so terrified of ridicule and downright embarrassment in front of fellow students, they decide to give in to their peers even though their actions may go against their beliefs. Emerson believed that by being an individual “you shall have the suffrage of the world.” Furthermore, an innocent sixteen year old girl’s parents go out of town for the weekend and she invites her cute, popular, senior star quarterback boyfriend over, but he pressures her into having sex when she i...
· No racial prejudices were tolerated (everybody turned their backs to juror 10 when he started saying that “he knew people of these kind very well”)
Before I continue, it is important to note the distinction that Singer makes between “equal considerations” and “equal treatment”. For Singer, “equal consideration for different beings may lead to different treatment and different rights”. The principle of equality “does not imply that we must treat two groups in exactly the same way, or grant exactly the same rights t...
The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'. The decision of the trial was solely based upon social class appearance.
Formal equality is known as the formal, legal equality. This is the equality that is seen as one law should be applied to all people, social and personal characteristics are no factor. Formal equality aims to distribute equality fairly and evenly, and aims to treat people the same. Formal equality does not ensure the wellbeing of individuals based on race, ethnicity, sex, age etc. Unfortunately, this side of equality does not recognize diversity and is insufficient for promoting social inclusiveness. Even though it may give the illusion of equality and justice, it is actually creating inequality and is actually ending up discriminating individuals (EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, 2004).