1. INTRODUCTION An imperative output of the environmental assessment process is Environmental Management Plans (The World Bank, n.d.). Environmental Management Plans are one of the twenty two commonly used tools to be utilised for the process of realising the principles of integrated environmental management, as set forth by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT (a), 2004). 1.1. Definitions 1.1.1. Environment The National Environmental Management Act (1998) refers to the environment as being the “surroundings within which humans exist and that are made up of: i. the land, water and atmosphere of the earth; ii. microorganisms, plant and animal life; iii. any part or combination of (i) and (ii) and the interrelationships among and between them; and iv. the physical, chemical, aesthetic and cultural properties and conditions of the foregoing that influence human health and wellbeing.” The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT (a), 2004) on the other hand defines the environment as the “biophysical, social and economic components, as well as the connections within and between these components”. 1.1.2. Management Management refers to “the process of dealing with or controlling things or people” as defined by (Google, n.d.). Additionally this process involves the “initiation, planning, implementation, controlling and closing of an activity, including the associated responsibilities and accountabilities” (DEAT (a), 2004). In environmental management the environment is not managed directly. Management here rather focus on people and processes. For instance the interaction humans have with the environment (biophysical, social and economic). 1.1.3. Plan The Oxford Dictionary (n.d.) defines ‘p... ... middle of paper ... ...Malaysia Environmenta Journal, 2011. Understanding an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) [WWW Document]. URL http://envscientist.blogspot.com/2011/03/understanding-environmental-management.html (accessed 5.20.14). National Environmental Management Act, 1998. . Government Gazette, South Africa. Oxford Dictionary, n.d. No Title [WWW Document]. URL http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/plan (accessed 5.20.14). The World Bank, n.d. Web definitions [WWW Document]. URL https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC0QkA4oADAA&url=http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTOED/EXTENVIRONMENT/0,,contentMDK:21813865~menuPK:5189977~pagePK:64829573~piPK:64829550~theSitePK:4681890,00.html&ei=wvJ6U4bWA4OO7Qaw94CYBA&usg=AFQjCNFfdNFmNO-GcG2rK30IglGjbExFTA&sig2=LIctGoN3DYDSk4KiRK0M8Q&bvm=bv.67229260,d.ZGU (accessed 5.20.14).
It is difficult for humans to live in harmony with nature because humans’ selfishness always places profits before our earth’s needs. We live in a consumer society, which we purchase interesting products and dispose of them carelessly. Those products with non-decomposable materials, which make our life easier and more comfortable, result a massive damage to our environment. In the articles, “A Fable for Tomorrow” by Rachel Carson and “Our Animals Rite” by Anna Quindlen, both authors suggest destruction in nature world due to human’s activities. As environment issues presented by scientists, governments around the world start to give highly attention on the environmental protection, but there are many challenges in implementing environmental protection policies. Some of the top environmental concerns are air pollution, climate changing and trash waste. Although people started to aware the horrible consequences due to polluted environment, an efficient life, people apathy toward ecosystem and human's unlimited desires for a confortable life have created obstacles for the world to protect the environment.
When creating a working definition of a sustainable global environment there is a short definition and a long definition. The short of definition of a sustainable global environment is an environment in which all living things can co-exist together while having their essential needs to sustain life met. This definition, while ideal, is probably not realistic due to the fact that humans in many cases are not simply satisfied with living with only the essential needs that sustain life. That leads to the more realistic but complex definition of a sustainable global environment. This definition focuses on sustainability, stewardship, science, political policy and globalization. Sustainability focuses on not depleting needed resources. Stewardship is the moral framework in which our public and private actions are made. The science aspect of a sustainable global environment is the information that decisions, including mandated policy, are made on. The final aspect is globalization, which refers to the interconnectedness humans and the environment share with each other on a global level. Regardless of the definition that is used, the goal is the same, sustaining a high quality of life for all creatures while not exhausting the needed resources to do so.
An environmental policy refers to the commitment of an organization to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues and sustainability. These environmental issues can pertain to anything from air and water pollution to deforestation and solid waste management. Today, we live in a world full of developing countries that face environmental issues and degradation every day. Yemen, known to be one of the least developed countries, is facing various environmental issues, as well as social and political challenges while on its way to development and becoming a much more stable country.
In Title I of NEPA, our government recognizes the immutable link between mankind's dealings and the impacts on the environment. People have an individual responsibility to the world around them. The Constitution assures us "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." However, "life" is undefined. We, as human beings, have the superiority to nurture and preserve all forms of life. Transitions in population growth (or decline), urban spread, industry expansions and technological advances are critical in determining and modifying the ever-changing needs of the environment. Extensive research and planning with State and local government allows NEPA to anticipate, possibly even predict, an environmental disaster before it occurs. These measures are to insure the most beneficial use of our natural resources, to preserve our Nation's history as well as encourage individuality, to search for improvements in recycling our resources and the discovery of new ones. These goals are sought after in a systematic manner to include the most recent available data that could promote or reject proposals for changes t...
1. The author visited the Netherlands as part of a Study Abroad course: Environmental Planning in the Netherlands.
Wood, G., Glasson, J. and Becker, J. (2006). EIA scoping in England and Wales: Practitioner approaches, perspectives and constraints. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 26, 221-241.
Starting with the 1972 UN Convention, environmental politics became a phenomena that swept across the world and the EU was not immune to this contagious excitement and began the process with seven unique Environmental Action Programs (EAP). The first program began in 1973 and had three major points: (1) the prevention, reduction and containment of environmental damage, (2) the conservation of an ecological equilibrium, and (3) the rational use of natural resources. This was a very traditional approach and would be expanded upon in the future but a...
An environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a far reaching, orderly, arranged and archived way. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for efficient environmental protection.
The development of environmental regimes involves a five-fold process. The first process is the agenda setting and issue definition stage, which identifies and brings attention to an issue to the international community. Secon...
Davoudi’s (2012) environmental management typology discusses eight distinct meanings of environment that are incorporated into the planning system of today. The new discourse that is involved with environmental management has meant that the environment is being seen in different ways. And as a result, the meanings attached to the environment have changed substantially over time (Davoudi, 2012). Davoudi (2012) discusses that environmental management is restricted by the limited definitions of the environment, and the onset of climate change and the discourse surrounding it has meant that perceptions of environment have been shaped (Davoudi, 2012). The first definition that is offered is local amenity, which explains that the environment has aesthetic and recreational values associated with it. The next is environment as heritage landscape, which sees the environment as he...
EIA is standardly defined as the study of impact on environment of proposed action like policy, plan or project. It is a process of anticipating or establishing the changes in the physical, ecological and socio-economic components of the environment before, during and after an impending developmental project so that undesirable effects, if any can be mitigated.
Government policies related to industry and economy are guided by environment considerations in numerous ways. We have seen billions of dollars of investments stuck because of environmental issues. Sustainable environmental management can help the society, industry and environment to co-exist. I intend to continue my study of the subject of sustainable environmental management and contribute towards academic activities by way of research and teaching
Environmental analysis is a strategic tool. It is a process to identify all the external and internal elements, which can affect the organization’s performance. The analysis entails assessing the level of threat or opportunity the factors might present. These evaluations are later translated into the decision-making process. The analysis helps align strategies with the firm’s environment. The importance of Environmental Analysis lies in its usefulness for evaluating the present strategy, setting strategic objectives and formulating strategies.
The environment today is not in a good condition, Climate change is evident, and oceans are getting polluted. Rainforrest's are decreasing in size due to deforestation and illegal logging. Animals are getting extinct due to the destruction of their habitats. Natural resources are being consumed at very large amounts, and get wasted. There are different ways these problems can be addressed, one option is environmental management. Environmental management focuses on conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats, and impact of humans on the environment. Conservation of natural resources is the smart use of the world's resources by humans, through this waste production is limited, and there will be less garbage in the world. By conserving
One of the most essential things for tourism to be successful in a particular place is a quality of the environment both natural and man-made. However the tourism industry involves doing many activities that have a negative effect on the environment.