Environmental Issues Case Study

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Environmental issues are some of the greater important issues in today’s society. Not only are there a plethora of environmental problems generated by humans, but they are all extremely difficult to solve. Many theorists have come up with general approaches as to solve such problems. Such examples would include population and scarcity introduced by Robert Malthus, environmental ethics and social construction. These approaches suggest different problems and solutions to these problems. It is complicated to choose which approach can be the most accurate, but each approach does offer a different strategy in fighting environmental problems. There are copious amounts of different approaches that target environmental issues. The first approach would be overpopulation and scarcity, which looks at differences between what is natural and what is influenced by humans. Overpopulation and scarcity tends to believe that the problem of scarcity is consumption and that a large number of humans on earth that are contributing to it. Also, political, economic, and cultural factors that lead to consumption are another problem according to scarcity. A Malthusian solution to this problem would be to let the weak die out so that the world slowly …show more content…

While one can generate an argument for which approach is best for environmental problems, there is no clear solution. What the approaches offer is the basic understanding of the importance of environmental problems. Without such approaches, the world would continue to tolerate not thinking of how essential the earth is. It is therefore essential that environmental problems continue to play a larger, more significant role in society today. However, discussing environmental issues and their solutions are only scratching the surface. To better start a difference humans need to start acting on advocating cleaning environments and protecting the

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