Enigonhahetgea Research Paper

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In North America two infants were born in the creation of the universe. There were two worlds: the upper world created by mankind, lower world had the possession of the great monsters it was considered the dark world. While the women was given birth to her two twins a turtle was able to secure the women from terrors of the great water. The women remained in a state of unlimited darkness, and she was overtaken by her travail to which she was subjected. When the twins were born they entered a dark world and the women disappear in a way. In the process the turtle turned into a island with plants and stuff. One twin was named Enigonhahetgea which means bad mind, the other twin was named Enigorio which meant good mind. As they grew up they went their separate ways in life. …show more content…

“At first he took the parents head, of which he created an orb, and established it in the centre of the firmament, and it became of a very superior nature to bestow light to the new world, and again he took the remnant of the body and formed another orb, which was inferior to the light”. The good mind created many things and gave life to being on the Great Island. As the good mind went throughout the universe creating everything in it’s former condition, the bad mind created different forms of life. The bad mind didn’t like what his brother was doing, so he challenged him. Whoever gains the victory should govern the universe; and appointed a day to meet the contest. The good mind won and gained victory by using the hornes against his brother. In conclusion Enigonhahetgea was crushed into the earth and became the Evil Spirit, while his brother became the leader of the people on

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