English Reflection Essay

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I would never have expected that I would enjoy writing as much as I do now. In my former perspective, English was just composing mundane papers and a waste of time. However, the moment I entered English Composition 1 on August 29th, my entire perspective on English started to change. Several assignments in the course and reading through the textbook Patterns for College Writing by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell assisted me when it came to writing essays and understanding the different techniques and aspects of writing. I found myself learning more and enjoying English in this college course compared to my previous high school English classes, where I struggled and did not have the resources to improve. During the online course of English Composition 1, I have learned various aspects of writing and communication that have guided me to appreciate and succeed in English. …show more content…

Previously, I felt intimidated by these methods since they took up ten chapters in the textbook. However, before I completed each assigned essay, I had to read several chapters, so I was not overwhelmed with the information. Now that I have completed all the assignments in the course, I can recognize what the methods of writing are: Narration, description, exemplification, process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classification and division, definition, argumentative, and a combination of methods. As I read through these different methods in each chapter, I developed an understanding of how to apply each technique in my writing and how to determine which one to use from an assigned prompt. In the future, the knowledge of these methods in writing will allow me to continue getting the grade that I desire in my

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