Enduring Ramadan in College

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Ramadan and college

Being a student in college and living in this environment is a satisfying experience with a busy life. Enduring Ramadan in college and facing it with the proper manner and plan for it in advance is what should be done in order t have an enjoyable and peaceful Ramadan.
Some behaviors should be avoided during the blessed month of Ramadan, as some feels tired, therefore they come late or don’t show up for the classes. Also others come sleepy with the minimum energy and do the least of what is asked from them and asking to shorten the class hours. All of these behaviors are not matching the values and spirit of Ramadan. Moreover should avoid thinking of Ramadan as a month for watching TV, eating and staying late at night as these are not respectful for the blessed month itself, but it also has a bad impact of the working and educational environment and daily life as Muslim.
Some students need to rethink the concept of studying and working during the blessed month of Ramadan. Many students worry during their day as when to find time for spiritual activities during their busy class schedules and other activities, while waiting the whole day to get back home or to visit the mosque. What students should take into consideration is that these spiritual activities are not limited to vising sacred places where they can be close to god, but they should make their lives sacred by their intentions and actions.
Some advices that student must take into consideration is not to waste their energy on unnecessary activities. Should always have healthy food. Students should never skip Suhur as it gives the student the energy for the day. Also students should take into consideration sleeping early to not miss Suhur time and to not be late for the classes. Moreover, if the student has problems with digesting heavy or cooked food should take into consideration eating nuts, dairy products and fruits.
To have an enjoyable Ramadan in college student should prepare for this month and act accordingly. If the students have a long class schedule, they should take into consideration eating food with high-energy in order to help them be active like dates, dairy products, sugar and should also have lots of liquids, water and desserts. Moreover mingling with other students would be good, as each would inspire and encourage the other.

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