Empowering Beliefs

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When an idea or thought is repeated over and over again in our minds it eventually turns into a belief. Our beliefs affect our decision making, our actions and how we view the world. Any idea that we accept to be true, will in turn become true for us because we will act in a manner that is consistent with it. Our beliefs cause us to see, understand, rationalize others, situations and specifically ourselves in accordance with those beliefs. It is a natural function of the brain to remain congruent with what has previously been accepted as true. Your beliefs become your reality. The beliefs that impact our day to day lives are either empowering or limiting. Limiting beliefs hinder us from reaching our goals, true potential and steal from our …show more content…

Beliefs generally have very little to do with reality and can be changed at any point and time. You have the power to replace old, unwanted, detracting limiting beliefs with beliefs that serve you and your purpose. There are multiple empowering beliefs worth having that will increase your quality of life. Here are an example of some below and although they may not always be "true", by convincing yourself they are, you will act as if they were and will begin to see the world from a more capable and optimistic perspective. HERE ARE SOME EMPOWERING …show more content…

Fortunately beliefs can be easily changed from limiting into empowering... here are some tips... Be aware of them- if you notice yourself limiting yourself, address it, isolate it and stop it in it's tracks. Limiting beliefs often spawn other limiting beliefs, don't let it escalate. Reframe it- transform that belief into one that will be more productive for you. For example: Change "I can't do it" into "I am capable". Create more empowering beliefs- the more beliefs you have that will serve you, the less power the limiting ones will have and over time they will fade away. Create evidence of success- Create a success bank and acknowledge accomplishments you have previously made, because the more references of success you have the stronger and more confident you will feel going forward in life. Another way in which beliefs impact our lives is through our expectations. What we expect from ourselves transforms into our own self-fulfilling prophecy. If you expect to be content, liked and successful, you will act in that way, will prepare for those results and will rarely find yourself disappointed. The best thing about expectations is that you can expect whatever you want... So why not choose something amazing

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