Employment Background Checks

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A background check is the process of researching an individual criminal and or financial record. “Background checks for applicant’s information can be gained not only from the applicant but also from people that are familiar with the applicant. Organization often solicits information on their own or the use of agencies that specialize in investigating applicants. Information solicited from others consists of letters of recommendation, references checks, and related background checks” (Heneman, Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012, p. 392). It may seem that background checks are becoming more invasive since September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. This attack on American soil sparked fear in organizations causing them to want to intensify security. …show more content…

Employment history verification is an essential element in building a defense against negligent hiring claims. This is even when pervious employers will verify only minimal information. The employment verification report helps the potential employer verify employment history and check for inconsistencies between the information on the application and the prior employers statements. This includes dates of employment, reasons for leaving, job title, and salary. This report may also provide information regarding the applicant’s honesty, tendency to engage in violent or harmful conduct, or other problem areas (Employment background check products and services , …show more content…

The rules concerning background checks vary based on federal, state, local and job-specific laws. Check with your company’s legal counsel if you’re unsure of how to proceed. Ensure that the process for all applicants is consistent. Two applicants applying for the same job should have the same searches and investigations run on them. Different job types may require different levels of investigation, but for the same job title, make sure you keep your process uniform to avoid charges of discrimination. If and when you find something on a background check that may impact the decision to hire an applicant, you should at a minimum engage in a conversation with the applicant. So many misconceptions, mistakes, and reporting errors can be resolved by conducting that face-to-face communication. Background checks are inherently viewed as a way to pinpoint negative information. Use a background check to also locate positives that will help you choose between two well-qualified candidates. Great screening companies will do a far better job of locating the information you want. They have the experience and processes to be accurate and efficient. They also prevent you from viewing data that might be a violation of state or federal law (Belicove,

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