Embrace Cultural Identity In The Classroom Essay

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Being a part of the leadership team at this elementary school, it is our job to ensure that every student have an equal opportunity to learn and a comfortable learning environment. The elementary years of a young child’s educational career highly shape the grounds for the learning in the future. Due to this, it is vital that the student feel safe and understood in their classroom by teachers, classmates, and faculty. After learning about the new wave of Bosnian students that will inhabit our school the coming school year, much research and discussion has been conducted to prepare the school for their attendance. Therefore, the below plan was developed in attempts to assist the faculty and staff to ensure that this new wave of Bosnian students feel …show more content…

An article published by the University of Minnesota titled “Teaching Diverse Students: How to Embrace Cultural Identity in the Classroom” states that “Teachers that can learn more about their students outside of school, and use that cultural knowledge and knowhow to improve their academic outcomes, will be successful in building a bridge between what their students know (i.e. their cultural identity) and what they want them to learn in the classroom.” Ways in which the teacher can be more familiarized with the lives of students outside of the classroom would include meeting their families. Doing so would allow for the teacher to become familiarized with the habits and influences the immigrant student deals with at home. This will also allow for the communication line to be opened between the parents and the faculty, which can possibly aid in the success of the student. Efforts such as holding a parent night before school begins again would allow the parents or family members to formally meet and engage with the teachers and administration by which their child will be under the care

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