Anticipated Features for Elder Scrolls VI

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What Do Fans Want to See from Elder Scrolls VI If and When It Comes With Elder Scrolls VI still floating on air, fans are also left grasping for air...relying on rumors to give them hope and a reason to wait and hold on. There are speculations that it might be released in 2019 complete with VR support. If that's the case, then players want to see more than what they have experienced with the previous version. Improved graphics Where games are concerned, graphics performance plays a pivotal role. Every player wants to look and feel a game environment that is crisp, clear and clean. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim fell short on this particular requirement. In fact, if you compare the graphics from the new HD Remaster, you will understand why players …show more content…

But a majority of Elder Scrolls’ fans would prefer a mute protagonist, rather than someone who talks. They’d much prefer to switch the voiced character for character customization or other features that will improve game performance. Whether or not Bethesda would listen to fan requests remains to be seen. Better options for character customization With a massive number of races to deal with and several additional features, it is understandable that The Elder Scrolls’ character customization won't be as impressive as Fallout 4. But it doesn't have to be poorly either. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim could definitely use improvements on its character creation tools. Fans understand the effort needed to tweak a character prior to the game start, which is why they would be happy with even just a ‘sculpting’ tool added in the Elder Scrolls VI. Better loot management Thanks to successful mods, Skyrim transformed into a full-on survival game. But it also made fans wished property management was available in the Elder Scrolls VI, similar to what the Hearthfire DLC delivered to Skyrim fans. Players are looking for a safe haven, with which to hide their loots. If building a base is possible in Fallout 4, it shouldn't be a problem with the Elder Scrolls

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