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The Story of El Dorado convinced numerous people of a path to riches. The idea of a land full of wealth brought many explorers through an endless journey, some of them ending in tragic situations. To this day, historians scrounge for any info they can find on this myth, pondering whether the fable was ever true. In order to discover the truth behind the myth, researchers will have to turn back long ago, to the 1500’s, where tribes and explorers fought tooth and nail for what they thought was rightfully theirs. Two theories lie behind the question of whether or not El Dorado ever existed, these being the ways of the tribes and what the explorers found. El Dorado is an ancient legend built upon false stories and a supposedly mystical city from …show more content…
The king would immerse his whole body in gold dust during a festival to honor the gods, while his subjects threw gold and jewels into Lake Guatavita (“El Dorado” DB). The myth of El Dorado soon began to grow, until it had transformed into a country of gold, with legendary cities named Manoa and Omagua (“El Dorado”DB). The stories of El Dorado spread by word of mouth by ignorant conquistadors, which explains the vast evolution of the myth (“The Legend of El Dorado”). The legend itself started in Quito, when explorers of the South Americas returned home, and the stories soon developed around the late 1540’s (Gaffron 48). One of the first to claim to have found the golden city was Ambrosius Alfinger, a German explorer. Tales of this rich civilization encouraged many explorers to try their luck at finding the place. The last expedition of the 1500’s was lead by Sir Walter Raliegh. None of the explorers ever found El Dorado. Other legends similar to El Dorado were also spreading around the time, such as the City of Los Cesares and the “White King”. The promise of a kingdom of gold and silver tempted many Spanish Conquistadors to leave their plans of expedition and to go and find riches (Waldman and Wexler 101). The Incan tribe also may …show more content…
The Spanish Conquistador Sebastian Benalcazar traveled across the Columbian mountains for the search of the kingdom. He is thought to be one of the first explorers to introduce the legend of El Dorado, inspiring many explorations to come (Waldman and Wexler 53). When Spanish explorers reached South America in the early 16th century, they had already heard stories of the Chibcha tribe in the Andes Mountains (“El Dorado Snared Sir Walter Raleigh”). They found much gold along South America’s northern coast, and believed there was still wealth to be discovered (“El Dorado: The Truth Behind the Myth”). The Spanish were certain that El Dorado was somewhere between Orinoco and the Amazon rivers (“EL Dorado”2). The stories of gold also were known to the English, who were shackled with poverty and disease at the time. These stories inspired them to find the kingdom and its wealth (Gaffron 13). English colonizer Sir Walter Raleigh led two expeditions to find El Dorado, and believed it would have more riches than both the Inca and Aztec civilizations. His expedition in 1617 was the final try to find El Dorado by Europeans (Waldman and Wexler 500). When he returned after two failed attempts, he was beheaded, by orders of King James, for having battle with the Spanish on the expedition (“El Dorado Snared Sir Walter Raleigh”). Before this event, Raleigh published a book claiming that
Anais Nin once said that “we write to taste life twice: in the moment and in retrospection.” In his book, Seven Myths of Spanish Conquest, Matthew Restall tries to change our perception of the past in other to open our eyes to what life was really like during the colonial period. As Restall puts it, the main propose of the book is to “illustrate the degree to which the Conquest was a far more complex and protracted affair” (p.154) than what was supposed in the latters and chronicles left by the conquistadores. Each one of Restall’s chapters examines one of seven myths regarding the mystery behind the conquest. By doing so, Matthew Restall forces us to look back at the Spanish conquest and question
After the discovery of the new world, by Christopher Columbus, rapidly the Europeans navigate from their countries to the new world in search of gold and precious rocks that have a value for their kings or queens. Hernan Cortes, born in Medellin, Spain, was a conquistador mainly best known as the conquistador that found Tenochtitlan, which is now call Mexico City. During the conquista Bernal del Castillo and Hernán Cortés describe the struggles and other issues that they had to find the city Tenochtitlan through writing it on a book. Tenochtitlan, at that point, had amazing building structure and an extensive market. The Aztec or Mexica had, when found by Cortez, an extensive knowledge of Astronomy, time, and including Mathematics. After Cortes’s entrance to Tenochtitlan the king, Moctezuma, believe that Spaniards were part of their culture or history, as the same as Toltecs.
Men of all professions had gone, such as lawyers, physicians, miners, mechanics, merchants, senators, and gamblers (Wilson). Most of the men had abandoned their jobs and family to try their luck in finding gold. Luzena had went with her husband and brought along their two kids. She had remembered that “the travelers were almost all men” (Wilson). Since there were virtually no women to tend to the men’s needs, men often interacted with women they didn’t know. “A hungry miner, attracted by the unusual sight of a woman” had paid Luzena five dollars for a biscuit that she had made (Wilson). Thus, women became cooks, prostitutes, and owners of hotels. Luzena had a hotel called ‘El Dorado,’ where she had “twenty miners eating at my table.” (Wilson). That was how women typically made money, by providing services that are outside of mining, the ones essential for life, like eating. Luzena had also recalled a ball taking place in Nevada City, where “there were twelve ladies present and about three hundred men” (Wilson). This really portrayed the gender imbalance and demonstrated competition among men for even a dance with the
From my earliest childhood I remember the open country between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande; the vast expanse of territory that our early historians do not mention in the days of early history. Sometimes I have wondered why it is that our forefathers who helped with their money, their supplies, and their own energies have been entirely forgotten. (Zamora O’Shea n.p.)
Admittedly, these men are responsible for much of the exploration of the America’s, but to focus on so few of the explorers ignores how reactive their actions were, and the larger narrative of the world at that time (4). For example, Columbus is praised and idolized for discovering the America’s, however it was only by luck that he arrived on those shores. Moreover, there were many other explorers at the time who could have reached the America’s if Columbus had not done so first (9). Another man who is seen as the key figure in the actual Conquest is Cortes. Cortes’ campaign in the America’s is commonly viewed as the standard to strive for, yet it is also the exception to a typical conquest (19). He is viewed as some above-it-all conquistador idol, when in all actuality he merely followed the standard protocol of the Conquest (19). This does not mean that Cortes’ actions were any less inspirational, merely that they were not uncharacteristic acts that he created (19). Both Columbus and Cortes were merely following standard procedure of the time, yet they are written about as if they were heroes of their time, bravely going and doing what none had done before. And in some sense, they were the first to discover and conquer, but it is foolish to assume that just because they were the first to be in the America’s
Originally Spain found success with finding gold or other mineral wealth not by colonizing, but by conquering and enslaving the local population, such as the Aztecs. As a result, Spain discovered that there was no gold or other mineral wealth to be found past t...
This text was created to bring to light the hardship Natives went through during the Age of Exploration. The populous, who only hear rumors and short stories from all territories west of the Atlantic Ocean, cannot grasp the tough and difficult task that is at hand in the Americas. From these short blurbs of what is said about the west, they make inferences of what it is like, and how it is possible for another land mass to be unknown to many for so long. But for those who do know what is past the Atlantic, know that this Agenda of the King and Queen must be fulfilled and to do so would be to claim land for Spain for it to be settled upon. On top of that is to further collect the riches of the Americas to benefit Spain in the conquest of the Americas.
Crooks, cristine. "Traveling to the gold fields." library.alaska.gov. Alaska department of education and Early development. Web. 2 Mar 2014. .
Milanich, Jerald T. and Susan Milbrath., ed. First Encounters: Spanish Exploration in the Caribbean and the United States1492-1570. Gainesville: U of Florida P, 1989.
The Black Legend and White Legend: Relationship Between the Spanish and Indians in the New World
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. However, even after centuries later, little is truly known of the mysterious voyage and findings of the new world.1 By examining “Letter from Columbus to Luis Santangel”, one can further contextualize the events of Columbus' exploration of the New World. The letter uncovers Columbus' subtle hints of his true intentions and exposes his exaggerated tone that catered to his lavish demands with Spain. Likewise, The Columbian Voyage Map read in accordance with the letter helps the reader track Columbus' first, second, third, and fourth voyage to the New World carefully and conveniently. Thus, the letter and map's rarity and description render invaluable insight into Columbus' intentionality of the New World and its indigenous inhabitants.
In 1799 young Conrad Reed, a 12 year old boy, found a big shiny rock in Little Meadow Creek on the family farm in Cabarrus county North Carolina. Conrad lugged it home but the Reed family had no idea what it was and used it as a clunky door stop. Thinking that it must be some kind of metal, John Reed, Conrad’s father, took it to Concord North Carolina to have a silver smith look at it. The silver smith was unable to identify it as gold. John Reed hauled it back home. Three years later in 1802 he took the rock to Fayetteville North Carolina where a jeweler recognized it for what it was right away. The jeweler asked him if could smelt it down to a bar for him, John agreed. When John returned to the jeweler had a gold brick measuring six to eight inches long. It’s hard to believe but John Reed had no idea of the metals worth. The jeweler asked him what he wanted for it and John thought that a week’s wages would be fair so he sold it to the jeweler for $3.50. It is rumored that John purchased a calico dress for his wife and some coffee beans with his wi...
Myths of the Jesuit treasure, Dutchman's Lost Gold Mine, Peralta gold and other lost gold mine stories have still attracted many from different places. Centuries old stories of Indian history add to the mountain’s lore. The Pimas called the mountain Ka-Katak-Tami to mean The “Crooked Top Mountain.” One can observe the enormity of this rocky mountain, from th...
The Pipil the predominant tribe prior to the Spanish conquest, named their territory and capital Cuscatlán, which means “Land of the Jewel”, it
They faced many difficulties and did a large amount of back-breaking work. There were very few women that were gold seekers. They traveled for months in horrid conditions and money was scarce. It seemed impossible that the women would make it back with any money left over.