Muisca Essays

  • Myths and Legends from the World

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many Myths and legends in the world and some are more common than others. Different people believe in different myths and legends. They are different myths and legends that correspond with different religions and countries. Myths can be a long story or a short story, some myths can be more interesting than others. Adam and Eve is one of the common myths, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religious believe that Adam and Eve were the first parents of the entire human Race. Adam and Eve were

  • Did El Doradodo Exist

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Story of El Dorado convinced numerous people of a path to riches. The idea of a land full of wealth brought many explorers through an endless journey, some of them ending in tragic situations. To this day, historians scrounge for any info they can find on this myth, pondering whether the fable was ever true. In order to discover the truth behind the myth, researchers will have to turn back long ago, to the 1500’s, where tribes and explorers fought tooth and nail for what they thought was rightfully

  • Ancient American Civilizations

    645 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ancient American Civilizations Cultural development can be separated into three categories of increasing intellect and complexity. Tribal is the lowest form of civilization, Chiefdom the intermediate level, and finally the state level, which represents the highest form of civilization in Ancient America. The tribal band represented the basic primitive level of civilization. In Ancient America, the tribal level was a loose association of bands or villages. The ties between these villages

  • Bogota: A City in Colombia Invites You

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bogotá: a city full of exciting secrets and interesting attractions. It is located in the Andes Mountain Range in the Altiplano Cundiboyasesnse. It has mountains on the east with three main peaks. It is a city that has a colonial style neighborhood that is called “La Calendaria.” This neighborhood is located in the center of the city. Bogotá is the capital of Colombia and where everyone acts very similar and has the same customs and culture. Bogotá has the perfect climate because e it is located