Ekphrastic Poetry

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“A poem is nothing but a picture painted black and white.” This anonymous quote perfectly explains ekphrastic poetry. Like a caption following a picture, a poem about a painting contains additional information relating to the contents of the painting. The information portrayed in the poem may not be the painters intended objective in painting what and how they painted. It is simply an opinionative description of what the poet sees. Paulo Uccello’ Saint George and the Dragon inspired poet U. A. Fanthrope to respond to the painting by writing the poem “Not my Best Side.” This poem isn’t just an objective, verbal description of Saint George and the Dragon; Fanthrope is taking it as an opportunity to challenge old, stereotypical positions on mythical times, by showing the stereotypes expressing their opinions. We are reading Fanthrope’s poem about how she reads the painting.
Fanthrope takes the liberty of explaining the poem through the eyes and mind of the three characters: the dragon, the maiden, and the knight. These dramatic monologues are an effective poetic device for Fanthrope to express ideas that she doesn’t necessarily want to be associated as her own. By speaking through persona, the expression of her feelings is not accepted as hers, but as the character’s feelings. In “Not my best Side,” Fanthrope proceeds to write about challenging old stereotypes by creating new ones. This is expressed through the monologues of her characters.
The poem begins with the challenging of the stereotypical dragon. In order to properly describe how the dragon was feeling, Fanthrope needed to personify the dragon. This was done to allow it to express emotions, feeling, and pass judgment; otherwise, a mythical dragon would not be seen as having feelings, having emotions, or being capable of passing judgment. This personification is obvious throughout the entire first stanza as the dragon proceeds to explain his feelings about the painting. Keeping in mind a personified dragon, the poem starts out with, “Not my best side, I’m afraid./ The artist didn’t give me a chance to/ Pose properly” (1-3). We are immediately informed of the dragon’s vain personality. Although dragons do not exist, a stereotypical dragon has no reason to be vain. He continues to complain of the artist that stuck him with these atrocious qualities, “he left off two of my feet” (5). Why would such an ugly killing machine care what anyone thought about him?

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