Effectively Assessing English Language Learners

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Assessments today do not always take into account the many different learning, language, and cultural differences that are among the classroom students that are taking them. With English language learners, and possibly other students, it will be important to implement alternative and formative assessments to track student learning and growth. Testing, like high-stakes testing and other standardized tests, not only does not depict all student’s knowledge and progress, but also the inability to be successful in taking them can cause more damage by increasing the feeling of failure. Thus, for these reasons, it will be very important to find other ways to effectively assess English language learners.
New Component: Effectively Assessing English …show more content…

A routine mentioned in the video Assessments for ELLs was to use an “assessment loop: pre-assess, teach, post assess, reteach, so that each child has a chance to master grade level material” (n.d.). This is a great way to build a routine based approach for English language learners where you are constantly checking for understanding. It also addresses the other challenges as well, as it will aid in assessing all students for learning and it is a working assessment that will provide valid …show more content…

The routine of assessing for current knowledge, teaching, assessing for what was learned, and then re-teaching was a great addition to the library of formative assessments that I have already built. Knowing how important it can be track student progress throughout the year to show authentic progress in learning, language abilities, and development only makes it more important to really understand assessments and their tools. As a teaching beginning in the classroom, it will be important to be comfortable with assessments and their tools to be sure that students are learning what I am teaching so that I can make adjustments where needed, especially with English language learners. Formative assessments will aid in this

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