Effective Communication for the Educator

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A successful educator must master the skill of effective communication, even when obstacles are present. Effective communication is more than speaking and writing, but also active listening. As a result of every person being different, there are various obstacles when interacting with children, particularly when communicating with those of special needs. Effective communication for an educator extends beyond the classroom, as there will also be interaction with parents and colleagues.
When most people hear the word communication they think of chatting with a friend or maybe writing a letter. However, there is so much more to communication than just speaking and writing. Clear and effective communication tactics also involve being able to adapt information to fit the needs of the audience, simplifying complex information, otherwise there may be a great deal of confusion. Communication is both receptive and expressive (Silver, 2014.)Body language perception is an imperative part of communication, a strong communicator must be able to read their audience. Active listening is also greatly involved when communicating. Actively listening shows that the communicator cares, which in turn may help to build trust with one another.
Due to the individual differences of each person, there are countless obstacles when communicating in the classroom. Individuals with special needs may have other methods of communicating, such as an assistive device called a communication board, sign language, drawing, or even the point and grunt method. These methods are often used by those who cannot communicate by voice. There are both low tech and high tech communication boards, such as a low tech finger board, or the high tech computer board used by famous s...

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...quires trust between the students and the educator. Effective communication can help to avoid and mediate problems that may arise in the classroom, as well as showing professionalism. Effective communication means communicating with everyone.

Works Cited

Cole, T., & Knowles, B. (2011). How to Help Children and Young People with Complex Behavioural Difficulties : A Guide for Practitioners Working in Educational Settings. London: Jessica Kingsle
Silver, F. (2014). Why Is It Important for Teachers to Have Good Communication Skills? Chron.com. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://work.chron.com/important-teachers-good-communication-skills-10512.html
Tardanico, S. (2012, November 29). 5 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators. Forbes.com. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/susantardanico/2012/11/29/5-habits-of-highly-effective-communicators/

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