Effective Communication during the Chilean Copper Miner Crisis

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In order to communicate with people of all social classes and diversity levels, knowing your

Audience is essential in presenting the proper communication channels. When communicating with

People there are different ways to present certain things depending on whom you are presenting it

to. You need to be sympathetic to the group of people you are presenting the information to,

Because when sending a message there are two parts: the information itself and the communication

Channels at which you plan on sending the information. An inadequate perception from the

Receiver’s point of view is an indication that there could be a communication error in the way the

Message was transmitted. With concerns or the many dynamics in the Chilean Copper Mine

Collapse there are certain considerations that must be taken into effect before the material is

Announced to everyone. When announcing something to this extent you have to be thoughtful,

Because of the diversity of the audience and their opinions could have a different reaction to

The incident. The relatives and personnel of the company need to be informed differently than the

Rest of the world, because of the sensitivity of those involved. There should be provisions on how

You present the incident to the public, so there isn't any missed information and an incorrect

Interpretation of the incident. There must be procedures in place to inform the public of any

Misunderstood information that might have been released on accident.

When an event of this degree occurs each member of the miner’s family and the employees

Of the company should be addressed first with the details, because they are the people directly

Involved with the accident. The details once obtain ...

... middle of paper ...

...d, because if they would have used different

Channels of communications than the ones originally used it could have made the outcome been a

Lot different.

Works Cited

Case Study: Rescue of the Chilean Miners. (2014). Retrieved from about.com: http://marketing.about.com/od/publicrelation1/a/Case-Study-Rescue-of-the-Chilean-Miners.htm

Chilean Mine Rescue Fast Facts. (2014, updated, February 14). Retrieved from cnn.com: http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/13/world/americas/chilean-mine-rescue/index.html

Franklin, J. (2010, September 05). Trapped Chilean miners, families frustrated over mail delivery. Retrieved from washingtonpost.com: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/05/AR2010090503426.html

Jubilation as Chile mine rescue ends. (2010, October 14). Retrieved from bbc.com.uk: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11469025

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