Effective Communication In Nursing

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Communication is important in nursing as it’s the main way we interact with each other, exchange information and establish relationships. According to Blais and Hayes (2016), "nurses who communicate effectively are better able to establish successful relationships between themselves and others, including clients and their families, other nurses, healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators, legislators, and the lay public" (p. 266).
"Effective communication is critical during the countless interactions that occur among healthcare workers on a daily basis. When effective communication is absent, patient care is compromised (Nadzam, 2009, p. 184).
I've had countless numbers of memorable interactions with patients, caregivers, and …show more content…

I said, "take a long slow breath in through your nose and focus on the feeling of the air filling you lungs. Hold it for a second and then begin to slowly exhale through almost closed lips. Begin to relax the muscles in your face, your shoulders and your stomach." Then I demonstrated how to do it. Finally, we began doing it together over several minutes, holding hands and focusing on each other like nothing was going on around us. He was finally able to calm down. He looked at me and as a tear ran down his cheek he said "thank you Christa". I said, "N. G. you are very …show more content…

He told me he was very thankful that he had me managing his care in his home. He said he wouldn't have even known he was developing an infection if it wasn't for the education I had provided him. He said he was thankful that he could trust that I had his best interest at heart. He said he was going to take my advice and would focus on getting better and let you take care of the office situation. We discussed what his plan of care and that I would follow-up with him in two days as he was being discharged home that afternoon.
Are there behaviors or mannerisms that enhance or detract from your communication.
Difference between verbal and non-verbal

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