Edward Scissorhands Film Techniques Essay

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Film techniques are the most important factor in a movie. Although things like dialogue and actions represent how the character is feeling, film techniques let the viewers know how to feel. In Edward Scissorhands multiple different film techniques are used to demonstrate emotions of sadness, anger, awkwardness, bliss, excitement and more. Without these, the movie wouldn’t be the same, and it would make it seem boring and emotionless. The film techniques in this movie highlight the important factors, and enforce the emotions one is meant to feel. The scene in which Peg goes to the mansion on the hill for the first time uses multiple different film techniques to give feelings of suspense, uneasiness, and worry. When she first walks up to the entrance of the house, a low angle shot is used to emphasize the height of the door compared to her, and make it look more scary. As Peg walks into the mansion a long shot is used to show the difference in size between her and the house. Throughout the entire mansion scene non diegetic sound is used to demonstrate those feelings of suspense again. The non diegetic sound lets the viewers know exactly how to feel, and that adds to the enjoyment of the movie. Diegetic sound is also used with the creaking of the floorboards when she’s in the attic, which adds to the creepiness of the mansion. All these film techniques are vital to the …show more content…

When the alarms first go off a closeup is used on Edward’s face to emphasize on his fear and worry about the alarms. Also as the others are running away, a shaky cam is used to show the nervousness that they all feel from the fear of getting caught. Non diegetic sound is also used to add to all the emotions that are being felt in this scene. All these techniques help the viewers know how to feel and overall add to the quality of the

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