Education In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave By Plato

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What is reality? What education means to it? There are lots of question for the education in today’s life. One of the story, “Allegory of the Cave” by Plato is the best way to express the ideas of the education in real. Students as well as elders believe that the education is the only way to stand in the society. That is false. Just the education is not helpful to a student in daily life because the studies or subjects they will study will not prepare them for a challenging life, they will also need general knowledge. Mentioning that education is not helpful in every circumstances but it is the only way on the world ruins. Therefore, Plato tells that the education is the knowledge that it last of all because without the real importance of the
In puppeteers, education system plays a lead role to the life of student. Not only the education but also parents act in the role of student life as we saw in the above paragraph. Besides parents and system, a teacher who gives knowledge is the main puppeteer because without teachers who will spread and gain knowledge. The main aim of the teachers is to get educated their students but the system is operator of all. If students want to explore their ideas besides education than the value of his idea will be useless. Today the education system is so much polluted and still it is making students polluted by the fear of degrees, graduations, and qualifications that everybody is following it. For example, if student want to get a job the companies will ask for degree, without it they will not approve him. Same way for the classes, students will attend the college but the focus for him is just to pass the class and get a degree. People thinks to obtain the education in real one must have to attend a class and he must not think this much narrow for his future. Still the education system is the only one who makes individuals dance as it wants because everything stops and starts at the education. Therefore, education systems controls every step of the student and plays a role in daily
What is the real knowledge? A knowledge that is gain from the assorted people thinking is the real knowledge. It also means the knowledge besides the educational subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Math, Sociology, and Psychology. The aim of most students should to gain the knowledge outside the class. In class also if possible talk about the outer world. There are so many thing that a person or student can do and explore their knowledge as the outer world does not require to be expert in just one thing. For example, to maintain the physical health there is Yoga in that there are many different yoghs including parayan, also, sports, cultural activities, functions, reality shows on TV like these there are millions of other sources through which a student can gain knowledge and become the man what he likes. For education, also there are many general knowledge books and novels. If one has a vow not to study and just to explore the world with the knowledge he have then he can do his best such as Bill gates who never went to school but he is billionaire because he thought to do something new. In that way, if student do not want to study educational subjects then he should show his best in other areas of the real

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