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Factors affecting eating habits
Factors affecting eating habits
Factors that influence food habits
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1. Describe how eating disorders can be viewed as multi-determined disorders. Eating disorders can be viewed as multi-determined disorders because there are many different factors that can play into a person developing an eating disorder. Each case is different and to get a clear picture of the disorder it must be looked at from numerous angles because often times it is a combination of different issues that contribute to someone developing an eating disorder. One possible factor is biology. A person might inherit a gene from their parents that predisposes them to a susceptibility to eating disorders. While that may not be enough on its own, it certainly starts that person off on the wrong foot and if combined with other factors it can lead to an eating disorder. For example, an individual could inherit a slow metabolism causing them to put on weight faster than others, which in turn could cause them to develop an eating disorder to counteract the weight gain. Another factor to consider is the …show more content…
It may even start before a person is born. According to the “Academy for Eating Disorders Paper” eating disorders are heritable. “The heritability of eating disorders is similar to that of other psychiatric conditions (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, OCD) that have been considered to be BBMIs, SMIs, or SEDs.” Aside from the genetic component there is also the culture around eating in the home. Parents usually decide what type of food is eaten in the house and this in turn shapes a child’s thoughts about what is and isn’t normal. If the child is taught unhealthy eating habits from an early age it can lead to eating disorders due to the child modeling their behaviour after the parent. “Data suggest that parents, particularly mothers, may contribute to their children’s (particularly daughters’) decision to lose weight” (Module 6, slide
Introduction Therapy and inpatient psychiatric units can be extremely helpful for patients who need professional help. There are multiple types of inpatient facilities and many to choose from for a specific condition. Types of inpatient psychiatric facilities may include: drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sexual addiction, trauma, mental health disorders, eating disorders, or other conditions. Laureate Eating Disorders Program is an eating recovery center located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Laureate Eating Disorders Program
Eating disorders are not caused by a single source, such as control, but are due to an accumulation of factors including genetics, upbringing, culture, and personality.
The rising frequency of teen Internet and social media use, in particular Facebook, has cause parents to lose sight of these websites harmful attributes that lead to eating disorders and extreme dieting. Michele Foster, author of “Internet Marketing Through Facebook: Influencing Body Image in Teens and Young Adults”, published October 2008 in Self Help Magazine, argues Facebook has become the leading social network for teens and young adults aging 17 to 25 years of age, and is also the age range that has significant increases in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa in women. Foster accomplishes her purpose, which is to draw the parents of teen’s attention to the loosely regulated advertisements on Facebook and Facebook’s reluctance to ban negative body image ads. Foster creates a logos appeal by using examples and persona, pathos appeal by using diction, and ethos appeal by using examples and persona.
Although inherited conditions have been linked to childhood obesity, they are rare. However it has been noted that children with obese or overweight parents are more than likely to be obese themselves, the reason for this as described by Heaton-Harris (2007) is because of the length of time it takes to break a bad habit. Unless the parents are correctly informed of healthy diets themselves the problem will continue from an ill-informed childhood into adult hood. Other probable causes are numerous ones. Fast food and processed foods becoming more read...
1. Eating disorders in our present society can be viewed as a multi-determined disorder for various reasons. The current definition of a multi-determined disorder is when there is more than one factor with a wide range of causes that creates the disorder to form. Negative influences from family members, friends, the western culture, or even a specific cultural may harshly impact a person and influence how he or she should live their life. Anorexia and Bulimia are both to be considered as a multi-determined disorder that is influenced greatly by socio-cultural, biological and psychological factors. Subcultures create large pressures and restraints to diet and become thin. For instance, the Asian culture, if a person is overweight, they are frowned upon and considered almost as a disgrace to the community. Studies have also proven that family histories that have a weight loss disorder are more likely to also develop depression and anxiety disorders and are more likely found in women. Daily habits in a household also greatly impact the way a child is raised. Factors such as being over protective or having excessive control may also lead to forming an eating disorder, which anorexia becomes more susceptible for children. Psychological factors are most commonly formed when other views and living habits become more influential than our own. The way others perceive a person is defined as a schema. Once schemas are formed they may store in a person’s long-term memory and create self-schemas. Negative self-schemas will change an individual’s personality to become unstable and believe they are constantly being judged. Self-concept then forms leading to more harmful disorders such as poor self-esteem, depression and inability ...
Many citizens in the United States and other parts of the world fight with weight and body image issues. Most exercise and eat healthy to help their problems. Some take a more unhealthy and sometimes deadly route. An estimated five million people are affected by eating disorders each year (Alters & Schiff, 2003, p.36). Eating disorders are more common among females. At least three percent of women have some type of an eating disorder (Alters & Schiff, 2003, p.36). Eating disorders are classified as persistent, abnormal eating patterns that can threaten a person?s health and well being. There are three major types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive overeating.
A number of studies show that sexual abuse, trauma, and even bullying can bring you to eating disorders. (“Case”) Such a genetic make-up is a time bomb for distorted thinking about body image. Then the person will dislike there body image and will stop eating.(“Case”) Laura was diagnosed with anorexia as a teen. She only was 65 recovered by 20, relapsed at 48.and then recovered again. Laura has an identical twin. Her sister never had anorexia and is in fact obese. (“Case”) Where two women share exactly the same genes but only one gets anorexia? Same genetic makeup, different life experiences. (“Case”) There is TV, Magazine articles, and unfortunate high-profile deaths to put eating disorders on most high level. Whenever you open a magazine all you see is models and lots of skinny people, some of aware hung people want to be like that model or skinny person just because they think they look good or maybe there will feel good about them self’s. (“Eller”)
There are many more reasons to developing an eating disorder other than the media. After looking at the affects of media and how researchers explore the concept of development: we will now focus on the other key opponents to the development. Ultimately, if a person’s life situation, environment, and/or genetics leave them open to an Eating ...
There are three main eating disorders; anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. All three do not discriminate against age, gender or race. They can affect anyone at any size, many people do not know they are even suffering from one of the diseases. Anorexia nervosa is described as limiting food intake immensely, fear of gaining weight and self-esteem correlates with weight. Binge eating disorder is consumption of large amounts of food, without trying to get rid of it, feeling out of control and shame when binging. B...
There are many different biological approaches that explain the reasons for eating disorders they all have some validity behind them to a certain extent. An eating disorder is a psychological dysfunction that causes a person to change their eating habits to eating less, or more etc.
Eating disorders are quite serious and can often lead to extreme disruption of normal eating behaviors. It wasn’t considered an illness till 1980, when a singer named Karen Carpenter died from complications due to anorexia. If left untreated a person can put significant stress on their body; causing the body to begin to shut down. Often the organs will begin to fail, the persons hair will start to fall out and the person whom you once knew will become completely unrecognizable. Researchers have found many reasons that can be the cause of eating disorders. If we consider Demi Lovato a once happy go lucky Disney star who started acting different from her usual self. We can see that she was struggling from some kind of internal complex. When
Another reason that an eating disorder can develop is that of other opinions. People can give an opinion thinking that it won’t affect that person. Some people might even say it to make someone feel bad about themselves. People with a low self-esteem feel obliged to listen to people with this mean opinions. For example, your coach
Among them are genetics. Recent research shows that scientists are finding a link between genetics and anorexia; it is possible that genetics can cause anorexia. In the article Anorexia and Bulimia, Cracking the Genetic Code Gina Shaw writes about how a private European foundation conducted research into the genetics of anorexia. “Their early results found a couple of "likely suspects": areas on chromosomes 1 and 10 that appear to be significantly linked with anorexia and bulimia. Follow-up studies of candidate genes have identified several genes that may increase a person's vulnerability to these disorders.” Although research studies show that genetics may have some effect on the likelihood of admitting anorexia, it has not yet been proven that genetics is indeed hereditary. In the same article, author Gina Shaw later quotes Craig Johnson, PhD, director of the Eating Disorders Program at Laureate Psychiatric Clinic saying, “I don't think any of us feel that we're going to find a single gene that will account for anorexia nervosa and bulimia, such as with the gene for Huntington's disease, we're convinced that instead there will be a number of genes that, to small effect, line up to create susceptibility.” This research finding explains that although genes maybe increase one’s chance of getting anorexia, it is not definite that it is. In the same article Gina Shaw quotes, “ I think what we're learning is that the genetic predisposition interacts with the culture to bring about anorexia and other eating disorders, you're born with the gun, and society -- your cultural and environmental circumstances -- pulls the trigger.” Biological factors such as genetics may have a degree in which it affects the likelihood of getting anorexia, but recent studies show that the link between genetics and anorexia is not strong enough to validate that anorexia is genetically inherited. Until scientists prove that
There are many reasons that can contribute to the cause of eating disorders. One of the main reasons seems to be the obsession over every little pound a person is wearing. Sometimes low self-esteem or depression from any number of causes can usher in the eating disorder. Other times compulsive exercising can help shed the pounds but leave the enthused unhealthy looking.
With the final slam of the lid of the trashcan, I threw away years of work, of torture. I threw away my adderall, my hidden doritos and chocolate, my syrup of ipecac, and my food journal. All of my lifelines to my dream: being thin. On that afternoon, my dream waned away as I had one day hoped to.